Melissa Etheridge

April 27-28, 2002
New Orleans, Louisiana

Melissa Etheridge photo

Somebody bring me some water...



50082  (5x7 only)

I could dance with the devil on a Saturday night...
I could smoke drink swear and I would never grow old...


50081  (5x7 only)

If I wanted to I could turn sparks into ice...
There'd never be another woman who could make you think twice...



She's like a hot roller coaster on a video screen...


Melissa Etheridge photos

She don't play by the rules... she don't go by the book...

50154 - no tongue :)


Melissa Etheridge photograph

With her toys like the boys she is second to none...




She's a sinner... she's a saint.....



Melissa Etheridge photographs
50106  (5x7 only)

Burnin' alive... Melissa plays the blues on harmonica...



50115  (5x7 only)

Come to my window
Crawl inside... wait by the light of the moon....



Melissa Etheridge picture
50116  (5x7 only)




You don't know how much I'd give...
Or how much I can take..



50120  (5x7 only)



Melissa Etheridge pictures

It''s only fear that makes you run... the demons that you're hiding from...



Melissa Etheridge photo
50122  (5x7 only)

I'm the only one who'll walk across the fire for you...


Melissa Etheridge photos
50123  (5x7 only)

I'm the only one who'll drown in my desire for you..



50125  (5x7 only)

When all your promises are gone...



Melissa Etheridge picture
50126  (5x7 only)

I'm the only one...




50161  (8x8 & 4x4 only)






50137  (5x7 only)




A tall pink flamingo makes it easy to find your way back home....


Silver-painted bead vendors on Bourbon Street


Check out Melissa's 2002 tour schedule and new album info at

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Purple Moon Home

© 2002 Kitten / Purple Moon Design

Special thanks to Elizabeth for making the MLE pictures from the fairgrounds possible.

the April 27 pics from the auditorium will eventually be moved to their own page... i will post them here for now..

Melissa Etheridge












Melissa Etheridge Photo Index

Purple Moon Home

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© 2002 Kitten / Purple Moon Design