The Song of Rhiannon

Stevie Nicks related books

The Song of Rhiannon
original 1st printing 1972
(back cover is the same as front cover 1975 printing)

The Song of Rhiannon
printed in 1975
(back cover is the same as front cover 1972 printing)

The Song of Rhiannon
printed in 1978

The Song of Rhiannon
printed in 1991

Prince of Annwn
printed in 1974-1977

Prince of Annwn
printed in 1978

The Children of Llyr
original 1st printing 1971
(back cover is the same as front cover 1974 printing)

The Children of Llyr
printed in 1974-1977
(back cover is the same as front cover 1971 printing)

The Children of Llyr
printed in 1978

Island of the Mighty
original 1st printing 1970
(back cover is the same as front cover 1974 printing)

Island of the Mighty
printed in 1974-1975
(back cover is the same as front cover 1970 printing)

Island of the Mighty
printed in 1978

Beautiful stories of the ancient Welsh Myths in modern day language.
Reading these books gives one an insight into some of Stevie's deepest inspiration for her songwriting.

All of these books are very rare... vintage... and long out of print.... it is very difficut to find a complete set.

Complete sets of all 4 books in the Song of Rhiannon series are available here at purplemoon :)


for more information

e-mail Kitten nomad@ptmc.net



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The Song of Rhiannon

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