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Stevie Nicks
Tour Diaries
Created November, 1997
updated December 14, 2001
Stevie Nicks, Lindsey Buckingham, Javier Pacheco, Calvin Roper
?-?- 67 Class of '67 Graduation Party, San Jose State College, San Jose, CA
?-?-? Fairgrounds, Santa Clara,CA
* opened for Jimi Hendrix
?-?-? Fairgrounds, Santa Clara,CA
* opened for Janis Joplin
?-?-? Fillmore, San Francisco,CA
* opened for Janis Joplin
5-24-?? Cal Expo, Sacramento,CA
* opened for Guess Who, BB King
+ billed as the Earth Day Jubilee
opened for Creedence Clearwater Revival
* opened for Chicago
* opened for Moby Grape
Nicks * Buckingham Nicks *
Stevie Nicks, Lindsey Buckingham, Ron Tutt, Jerry Scheff
?-?-73 Starwood, Los Angeles,CA
?, Birmingham, AL
* opened
for Mountian
?-?-73 ?,AL
* opened for Poco
?-?-? Jacksonville,FL
11-?-73 Troubador,
Los Angeles,CA
* opened
for John Prine
3-?-74 Metro,
Raised on Robbery
opened for ? (local band)
Fleetwood Mac * Fleetwood Mac*
Stevie Nicks, Christine McVie, Mick Fleetwood, Lindsey Buckingham, John McVie
5-15-75 El Paso,TX
?-?-75 Amarillo,TX
?-?-75 Abilene,TX
?-?-75 Dallas,TX
?-?-75 San Antonio,TX
?-?-75 Austin,TX
8-31-75 Balboa Stadium, San Diego,CA
Like You Used to Be, Station Man, Spare Me, Afraid, SYLM, Jumping at Shadows,
Frozen Love, Rhiannon, Oh Well, World Turning, Manalishi, Letter
9-?-75 Coliseum, Oakland,CA ??
9-?-75 Detroit, MI
9-?-75 Indianapolis,IN
9-?-75 Paramount Theater, Seattla,WA
9-?-75 Arena, Milwaukee,WI
9-?-75 Minneapolis,MN (Target Center????)
9-?-75 University of Montana, Missoula,MT
9-?-75 Celebrity Theater, Phoenix,AZ
9-?-75 Civic Auditorium, Albuqurque,NM
9-?-75 Wichita,KS Century Theater
Capitol Center, Landover,MD
Get Like You Used to Be, Station Man,
Spare Me, Rhiannon, Why, Afraid, Oh Well, Manalishi, World Turning, Letter, Hypnotized
9-?-75 Southern Illinios University, Carbondale,IL
9-?-75 Perdue Hall of Music, Lafayette,IN
9-?-75 Cincinatti,OH
9-?-75 La Crosse,WI
9-?-75 Orpheum, Davenport,IA
9-?-75 Illinios State University, Bloomington,IL
9-?-75 Kent State University, Kent,OH
9-?-75 Columbus,OH
(Something's wrong above... 19 shows in 22 days? The current order does not allow for equipment travel time...)
9-23-75 Tradnosol Studios,Wallingford,CT
Get Like
You Used to Be, Station Man, Spare Me, Rhiannon, Why, Landslide, OMH, Manalishi,
Afraid, Oh Well, World Turning, Letter, Hypnotized
10-13-75 South
Get Like You Used to Be, Station Man, Spare Me, Afraid,
SYLM, Jumping at Shadows, Frozen Love*, Rhiannon,
Oh Well, World Turning, Manalishi, Letter, Sunny Side of Heaven
Final live Frozen Love?
?-?-75 Passaic,NJ
Station Man, Spare Me, Rhiannon, Landslide, Afraid, World Turning, DLMDA, Hypnotized
10-18-75 Boston Garden, Boston,MA
opened for Jefferson Airplane
11-20-75 Yale Bowl, New
Haven,CT Can anyone confirm the date
of this show??
Station Man, Spare Me, Rhiannon, Landslide,
Afraid, World Turning, DLMDA, Hypnotized
11-20-75 Winston-Salem,NC
Can anyone confirm the date of this
Get Like You Used to Be, Station Man, Spare Me, Rhiannon,
Why, Landslide, OMH, Afraid, GYOW, Oh Well, Manalishi, World Turning, Letter,
DLMDA, Hypnotized
12-22-75 Anaheim Stadium, Anaheim,CA
?-?-75 Switzerland Can
anyone confirm the date of this show??
Afraid, Oh Well, World
Turning, Get Like You Used to Be, ?, Homework, World in Harmony, Station Man,
Spare Me, Rhiannon, Why, Landslide, OMH, Manalishi
Fleetwood Mac * Rumours*
for scrapbook of photos
Stevie Nicks, Christine McVie, Mick Fleetwood, Lindsey Buckingham, John McVie
5-1-76?? Oakland Stadium, Oakland,CA
billed as The British Invasion, A Day on the Green
Frampton & Gary Wright also appeared
6-18-76 Royal Stadium, Kansas City,MO
6-?-76 Arena, Omaha,NE
6-?-76 Iowa State Fairgrounds, IA
6-?-76 Pine Knob Amphitheater, Clarkston,MI
6-24-76 Mecca, Milwaukee,WI
SYLM, Station Man, Spare Me, Rhiannon, Why, Landslide, OMH, Silver
Springs, YMLF, Afraid, Oh Well, Manalishi, World Turning
6-?-76 Minneapolis,MN
6-?-76 Fargo Civic Auditorium, Fargo,ND
6-26-76 Peoria,IL
6-29-76 Busch Stadium, St. Louis,MO
6-?-76 Riverfront Stadium, Cincinatti,OH
Rhiannon, Landslide, Afraid, World Turning, DLMDA, Hypnotized
7-2-76 Coliseum, Greensboro,NC
7-3-76 Omni, Atlanta,GA
7-4-76 Tampa Stadium, Tampa,FL
7-?-76 Jacksonville,FL
7-?-76 Spectrum, Philadelphia,PA
7-?-76 Brown Count Arena, Green Bay,WI
SYLM, Station Man, Spare Me, Rhiannon, Why, Landslide,
OMH, YMLF, Afraid, Oh Well, Manalishi, World Turning, Letter, Hypnotized, Songbird
7-?-76 Mile High Stadium, Denver,CO
7-?-76 Three Rivers Stadium, Pittsburgh,PA
8-24-76 Swing Auditorium, San Bernadino,CA
8-25-76 Sports Arena, San Diego,CA
10-?-76 Austin,TX
12-5-76 Market Square
Arena, Indianapolis,IN
+ benefit for Senator Birch Bayh
?-?-77 Honolulu International Center, Honolulu, HI aka Neil Blaisdell Center
2-?-77 Berkeley Community Theatre,
So Afraid
+ benefit for the Jacques
Cousteau Society
2-24-77 Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale,NY
SYLM, Station Man, ??, Chain, Dreams, Rhiannon, Why, NGBA, Landslide, Daddy,
GDW, OMH, Afraid, Manalishi, World Turning, Hypnotized, Letter
3-?-77 Jefferson Coliseum, Birmingham,AL ??
3-21-77 Spectrum,
SYLM, Station Man, Believe Me, Rhiannon, Why, Chain,
Dreams, NGBA, Landslide, OMH, YMLF, Afraid, GYOW, Daddy, GDW, Oh Well, World Turning,
Letter, Tell Me All the Things You Do
3-24-77 Long Island,NY
3-?-77 Hartford,CT
3-?-77 Naval Academy, Annapolis,MD
3-?-77 Sports Arena, San Diego,CA this doesn't seem possible...can someone confirm?
Kemper Arena, Kansas City,MO
Get Like You Used to Be, Station Man,
Monday, Spare Me, Rhiannon, Why, Landslide, OMH, GDW, Oh Well, Silver
Springs*, YMLF, Afraid, SYLM, World Turning
Last live Silver Springs until the 1997 Dance Tour
4-?-77 Birmingham, England
4-4-77 Glasgow, Scotland
4-?-77 Manchester, England
4-8-77 Rainbow Theater, London, England
4-?-77 Bristol, England
4-?-77 France
4-?-77 Holland
4-?-77 Germany
4-?-77 Sweden
4-23-77 Apollo Theater,
Glasgow, Scotland
SYLM, Station Man, Chain,
Dreams, Rhiannon, Daddy, NGBA, Landslide, OMH, GDW, YYMLF, GYOW, Oh
Well, Afraid, World Turning, Letter, 2nd Hand News
5-7-77 Oakland Stadium, Oakland,CA
5-8-77 University of California at San Diego, La Jolla,CA
5-21-77 Municipal Auditorium, Nashville,TN
?-?-77 Little Rock, AR
Monday, Chain, Dreams, Rhiannon, Daddy, NGBA, Landslide, OMH, Oh Well, Afraid,
World Turning, GYOW, Letter, 2nd Hand News, Don't Stop
Jefferson Civic Arena, Birmingham,AL
SYLM, Monday, Dreams, Oh Well,
Rhiannon, Daddy, NGBA, Landslide, OMH, GDW, YMLF, Afraid, GYOW, World Turning,
Letter, 2nd Hand News, Chain, Songbird
6-28-77 Syracuse,NY
6-29-77 Madison Square Garden, New York,NY
Monday, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Daddy, NGBA, Landslide, OMH, GDW, YMLF, Afraid, Dreams,
GYOW, World Turning, Letter, Chain, 2nd Hand News, Songbird
6-30-77 Madison Square Garden, New York,NY
7-3-77 Buffalo,NY
7-4-77 CNE Stadium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
7-4-77 Civic Center, Providence, RI were there 2 dates?
7-7-77 Civic Center, Providence, RI ?
were there 2 dates?
SYLM, Monday, Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Daddy, NGBA, Landslide, OMH, GDW, YMLF,
Afraid, GYOW, World Turning, Letter, Chain, 2nd Hand News
Alladin Theater, Las Vegas,NV
SYLM, Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Daddy,
NGBA, Landslide, OMH, GDW, YMLF, Afraid, GYOW, World Turning, Letter, Chain, 2nd
Hand News, Songbird
+ concert recorded and bootlegged on LP
as 'Sin City 77'
?-?-77 Tucson,AZ (possibly Phoenix)
8-29-77 Forum, Los Angeles, CA can
someone confirm this show date?
Chain, Dreams, Oh Well, GDW,
YMLF, Letter, Afraid, 2nd Hand News, World Turning, GYOW, Daddy, NGBA, Landslide,
9-12-77 St. Paul,MN
SYLM, Monday, Dreams, Oh
Well, Rhiannon, Daddy, NGBA, Landslide, OMH, GDW, Afraid, GYOW, World Turning,
Letter, Chain, 2nd Hand News, Songbird
9-27-77 Philadelphia,PA
SYLM, Station Man, Why, Chain, Dreams, NGBA, Landslide, OMH, YMLF, Afraid,
GYOW, Daddy, GDW, Oh Well, World Turning, Blue Letter, Hypnotized
9-?-77 Seattle,WA
9-?-77 Calgary Stampede, Calgary Alberta, Canada
10-?-77 Forum, Los Angeles, CA????can someone confirm this show date?
10-3-77 Sports Arena, San Diego,CA
11-?-77 Perth, Australia
11-?-77 Melbourne, Australia
11-?-77 Festival Hall, Brisbane, Australia
11-15-77 Queensland, Australia
Monday, Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Daddy, NGBA, Landslide, OMH, GDW, YMLF, Afraid,
GYOW, World Turning, Letter, Chain, 2nd Hand News, Songbird
11-17-77 Sidney, Australia
12-3-77 Festival Hall, Osaka, Japan
12-4-77 Festival Hall, Osaka, Japan
SYLM, Monday,
Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Daddy, NGBA, Landslide, OMH, GDW, YMLF, Afraid, GYOW,
World Turning, Letter, Chain, 2nd Hand News, Songbird
Budokan, Tokyo, Japan
Monday, Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon,OMH, GYOW,
World Turning, Chain, Songbird
?-?-78 Cal Jam II, ??,CA
2 songs *
* with Bob Welch
SYLM, Monday, Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Daddy, NGBA, Landslide,
OMH, GDW, YMLF, Afraid, GYOW, World Turning, Letter, Chain, 2nd Hand News
7-17-78 Alpine Valley, East Troy,WI
7-23-78 Cotton Bowl, Dallas,TX
YMLF, Afraid, World Turning, GYOW, Daddy, NGBA, Landslide, SYLM, Chain, Dreams,
Oh Well, Rhiannon, GDW, Letter
7-26-78 SPAC, Saratoga Springs,NY
Monday, Chain, Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, OMH, Landslide, SYLM, GDW, YMLF,
Afraid, World Turning, GYOW, Letter
7-28-78 Rich Stadium, Buffalo,NY
7-29-78 JFK Stadium, Philadelphia,PA
7-30-78 JFK Stadium, Philadelphia,PA
8-2-78 Capitol
Center, Landover,MD
Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Daddy, NGBA, Landslide,
SYLM, GDW, 2nd Hand News
8-26-78 Coliseum, Richfield,OH
8-30-78 Baton Rouge,LA
Monday, Chain, Dreams, Rhiannon,
Oh Daddy, NGBA, Landslide, SYLM, GDW, Letter, Sisters, Songbird
8-?-78 New Orleans,LA
Fleetwood Mac * Tusk *
for scrapbook of photos
Stevie Nicks, Christine McVie, Mick Fleetwood, Lindsey Buckingham, John McVie
10-26-79 Mini Dome, Pocatello,ID
10-27-79 Dee Events Center, Ogden,UT
10-28-79 Salt Palace, Salt Lake City,UT
10-31-79 McNichols Arena, Denver,CO
11-1-79 McNichols Arena, Denver,CO
11-2-79 Tingley Coliseum, Albuquerque,NM
11-5-79 Checker Dome,
St. Louis,MO
SYLM, Chain, Dreams, NTF, Rhiannon, Over & Over,
Oh Well, Sara, WMYTYTO, Daddy, Save Me, Landslide, Tusk, Angel, YMLF, Afraid,
World Turning, Hold Me, GYOW, Sisters, Letter, Songbird
11-6-79 Checker Dome, St. Louis,MO
11-7-79 Riverfront Coliseum, Cincinnati,OH
11-10-79 Veterans Memorial Coliseum, New Haven,CT
11-11-79 Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY
11-12-79 Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale,NY
11-15-79 Madison Square Garden, New York,NY
11-16-79 Madison Square Garden, New York,NY
11-17-79 Boston Gardens, Boston,MA
SYLM, Chain, Dreams, NTF, Rhiannon, Don't Stop, Oh Well, Sara, WMYTYTO, Daddy,
SMAP, Landslide, Tusk, Angel, YMLF, Afraid
11-20-79 War Memorial,
SYLM, Chain, Dreams, NTF, Rhiannon, Don't Stop, Oh Well,
Sara, WMYTYTO, Daddy, SMAP, Landslide, Tusk
11-21-79 Spectrum,
SYLM, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh Well, Daddy, WMYTYTO,
Sara, NTF, SMAP, Landslide, Tusk, Angel, YMLF, Afraid, World Turning, GYOW, Sisters,
2nd Hand News, Songbird
11-22-79 Civic Center Providence,RI
SYLM, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Daddy, WMYTYTO, Sara,
NTF, SMAP, Landslide, Tusk, Angel, YMLF, Afraid, World Turning, GYOW, Sisters,
2nd Hand News, Songbird
11-25-79 Capitol Center, Landover,MD
SYLM, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Daddy, WMYTYTO, Sara,
NTF, SMAP, Landslide, Tusk, Angel, YMLF, Afraid, World Turning, GYOW, Letter,
Sisters, 2nd Hand News
11-26-79 Civic Arena, Pittsburgh,PA
11-29-79 Crisler Arena, Ann Arbor,MI
11-30-79 Assembley Hall, Champaign,IL
12-1-79 Uni-Dome, Cedar Falls,IA
12-4-79 Forum, Los Angeles,CA
YMLF, Chain, Don't
Stop, Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Daddy, Sara, Landslide, Angel, Sisters
12-5-79 Forum, Los Angeles,CA
12-6-79 Forum, Los Angeles,CA
12-9-79 Sports Arena, San Diego,CA
12-10-79 Forum, Los Angeles,CA
12-11-79 Forum, Los Angeles,CA
SYLM, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Daddy, WMYTYTO, Sara,
NTF, SMAP, Landslide, Tusk, Angel, YMLF, Afraid, World Turning, Letter, GYOW,
Sisters, 2nd Hand News, Songbird
12-14-79 Cow Palace, San Francisco,CA
12-15-79 Cow Palace, San Francisco,CA
12-16-79 Cow Palace, San Francisco,CA
2-3-80 Budokan, Tokyo, Japan
2-4-80 Budokan, Tokyo, Japan
SYLM, Chain, Don't Stop,
Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Daddy, WMYTYTO, Sara, NTF, NGBA, Landslide, Tusk, Angel,
YMLF, Afraid, World Turning, GYOW, Sisters
2-3-80 Budokan, Tokyo, Japan
2-4-80 Budokan, Tokyo, Japan
2-5-80 Budokan, Tokyo, Japan
2-8-80 Kaikan, Kyoto, Japan
2-9-80 Shimin Kaikan, Gifu, Japan
2-11-80 Kuseinenkin Hall, Sapporo, Japan
2-13-80 Kenmin Hall,Yokohama, Japan
2-14-80 Sports Center, Sendai, Japan
Yokahama, Japan
SYLM, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon,
Daddy, WMYTYTO, Sara, NTF, NGBA, Landslide, Angel, YMLF, So Afraid, World Turning,
GYOW, Sisters, Songbird.
2-16-80 Festival Hall, Osaka, Japan
SYLM, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Daddy, WMYTYTO, Sara,
NTF, NGBA, Tusk, Angel, YMLF, So Afraid, World Turning, GYOW
Festival Hall, Osaka, Japan
SYLM, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh Well,
Rhiannon, Daddy, WMYTYTO, Sara, NTF, NGBA, Landslide, Tusk, Angel, YMLF, Afraid,
World Turning, GYOW, Sisters, Songbird
2-21-80 Entertainment Centre, Perth, Australia
2-22-80 Entertainment Centre, Perth, Australia
2-25-80 Tennis Stadium, Adelaide, Australia
2-27-80 Hordern Pavilion, Sydney, Australia
2-28-80 Hordern Pavilion, Sydney, Australia
3-1-80 Festival Hall, Melbourne, Australia
3-2-80 Festival Hall, Melbourne, Australia
3-3-80 Festival Hall, Melbourne, Australia
3-6-80 Festival Hall, Brisbane, Australia
3-7-80 Festival Hall, Brisbane, Australia
3-8-80 Festival Hall, Brisbane, Australia
3-11-80 Festival Hall, Melbourne, Australia
3-12-80 Festival Hall, Melbourne, Australia
3-15-80 Hordern Pavilion, Sydney, Australia
3-16-80 Hordern Pavilion, Sydney, Australia
3-17-80 Hordern Pavilion,
Sydney, Australia
WMYTYTO, Sara, NTF, NGBA, Landslide, Tusk, Angel,
YMLF, Afraid, World Turning, GYOW, Sisters, Songbird
3-20-80 Athletic Park, Wellington, New Zealand
3-22-80 Western Springs, Aukland, New Zealand
3-27-80 Honolulu International Center, Honolulu,HI aka Neil Blaisdell Center
3-28-80 Honolulu International Center, Honolulu,HI aka Neil Blaisdell Center
3-29-80 Honolulu International Center, Honolulu,HI aka Neil Blaisdell Center
3-30-80 Coliseum, Portland,OR
5-1-80 Edmunson Pavillion, Seattle,WA
5-2-80 P.N.E. Coliseum,
Vancouver, B.C., Canada
SYLM, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh Well,
Rhiannon, Daddy, WMYTYTO, Sara, NTF, NGBA, Landslide, Tusk, Angel, YMLF
5-5-80 Coliseum, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
5-6-80 Coliseum, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
5-9-80 Met Center, Minneapolis,MN
5-10-80 Met Center, Minneapolis,MN
5-11-80 Dane County Arena, Madison,WI
5-14-80 Rosemont Horizon,
SYLM, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh Well, Daddy, WMYTYTO,
Sara, NTF, NGBA, Landslide, Tusk, Angel, YMLF, Afraid, World Turning, GYOW, Sisters,
5-15-80 Rosemont Horizon, Chicago,IL
5-16-80 Market Square Arena, Indianapolis,IN
5-19-80 Municipal Auditorium, Buffalo,NY
5-20-80 Coliseum, Richfield,OH
SYLM, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Daddy, WMYTYTO, Sara,
NTF, NGBA, Landslide, Angel, Tusk, YMLF, Afraid, World Turning, GYOW
5-21-80 Coliseum, Richfield,OH
5-23-80 Joe Louis Arena, Detroit,MI
5-24-80 Joe Louis Arena, Detroit,MI
6-1-80 Olympic Horse Stadium, Munich, Germany
6-3-80 Stadthalle, Breman, Germany
6-4-80 Sportshalle, Cologne, Germany
6-8-80 Betzenburg Stadium, Frankfurt, Germany
6-9-80 Hallenstadion Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
6-12-80 Forest National, Brussels, Belgium
6-13-80 Ahoy, Rotterdam, Holland
SYLM, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Daddy, TAFE, Sara, NTF,
NGBA, Landslide, Tusk, Angel, YMLF, Afraid, World Turning, GYOW, Sisters, Songbird
6-14-80 Palais de Sport, Paris, France
6-16-80 Bingley Hall, Stafford, England
6-17-80 Bingley Hall, Stafford, England
6-20-80 Wembley Arena, London, England
6-21-80 Wembley Arena, London, England
Wembley Arena, London, England
SYLM, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh
Well, Rhiannon, Daddy, TAFE, Afraid, World Turning, GYOW, Sisters, Songbird
6-25-80 Wembley Arena, London, England
6-26-80 Wembley Arena, London, England
6-27-80 Wembley Arena, London, England
8-5-80 Civic Center, Lakeland,FL
8-6-80 Sportatorium, Miami,FL
8-8-80 Omni, Atlanta,GA
8-11-80 Municipal Auditorium, Mobile,AL
Jefferson Civic Center, Birmingham,AL
Monday, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams,
Oh Well, Rhiannon, O&O, WMYTYTO, Sara, NTF, NGBA, Landslide, Tusk, Think,
Afraid, Angel, YMLF, World Turning, GYOW, Sisters, Songbird
8-13-80 Riverside Centroplex, Baton Rouge,LA
8-16-80 Reunion Arena, Dallas,TX
8-17-80 Convention Center Arena, San Antonio,TX
8-18-80 Summit, Houston, TX
8-21-80 Civic Auditorium, Omaha,NE
8-22-80 Myriad, Oklahoma City,OK
8-23-80 Coliseum, Wichita,KS
Tusk, Angel, YMLF, Afraid,
World Turning, GYOW, Sisters, 2nd Hand News, Songbird
8-24-80 Kemper Arena, Kansas City,MO
8-27-80 Pan Am Center, Las Cruces,NM
8-28-80 McKale Center, Tucson,AZ
8-29-80 Compton Terrace, Tempe,AZ
8-31-80 Hollywood Bowl, Los
Monday, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh Well, Rhianon, O&O,
WMYTYTO, Sara, NTF, NGBA, Landslide, Tusk, Think, Angel, YMLF, Afraid, World Turning,
GYOW, Songbird
9-1-80 Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles,CA
Monday, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh Well, Rhianon, O&O, WMYTYTO, Sara, NTF,
NGBA, Landslide, Tusk, Think, Afraid, Angel, YMLF, World Turning, GYOW, Sisters,
Insider*, SDMHA*
* with Tom Petty
Insider*, SDMHA*
* with Tom Petty
11-27-81 Houston,TX
11-28-81 Houston,TX
GDW, Think About It, OTR, Dreams, Angel, Glitter, Braid, Need to Know, Sara,
Bella, Lamp, L&L, HSML, SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon
11-29-81 Reunion
Arena, Dallas,TX
GDW, Think About It, OTR, Dreams, Angel, Glitter,
Braid, Need to Know, Sara, Bella, Lamp, L&L, HSML, SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon
Coliseum, Oakland,CA
GDW, Think About It, OTR, Dreams, Angel, intros,
Glitter, Braid, Sara, Bella, Lamp, L&L, HSML, SDMHA, 17
Compton Terrace, Tempe,AZ
GDW, Think About It, OTR, Dreams, Angel,
Glitter, Braid, Need to Know, Sara, Bella, Lamp, L&L, HSML, SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon
12-6-81 Beverly Wilshire Theater (aka Fox), Los Angeles,CA
12-7-81 Beverly Wilshire Theater (aka Fox), Los Angeles,CA
12-8-81 Beverly Wilshire Theater (aka Fox), Los Angeles,CA
12-9-81 Beverly Wilshire Theater (aka Fox), Los Angeles,CA
12-12-81 Beverly Wilshire Theater (aka
Fox), Los Angeles,CA
GDW, Think About It, OTR, Dreams,
Angel, Glitter, Braid, Need to Know, Sara, Bella, Lamp, L&L, HSML, SDMHA,
17, Rhiannon
12-13-81 Beverly Wilshire Theater( aka
Fox), Los Angeles,CA
GDW, Think About It, OTR, Dreams,
Angel, Glitter, Braid, Need to Know, Sara, Bella, Lamp, L&L, HSML, SDMHA,
17, Rhiannon
+ Concert recored and released in edited form
on VHS Video as "Stevie Nicks in Concert".
on CD in edited form by WW1 Radio. Bootlegged and imported on CD as "Dreamer"
?-?-82 The Source (1981??) Can
anyone confirm the date of this show??
GDW, Braid,
Need to Know, OTR, Dreams, Angel, L&L, SDMHA, Bella, HSML, Sara, 17,
6-6-82 Rose Bowl, Pasadena,CA
Sara, I Need
to Know, Rhiannon, 17
+ benefit for Peace Sunday
Stevie Nicks, Christine McVie, Mick Fleetwood, Lindsey Buckingham, John McVie
9-2-82 Omni, Atlanta,GA
9-5-82 Devore
Field, San Bernadino,CA
2nd Hand News, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams,
Oh Well, Rhiannon, Brown Eyes, Eyes, Gypsy, YMLF, Afraid, GYOW, Letter, Sisters,
+ US Festival
9-10-82 Norfolk,VA??
9-10-82 Alpine Valley, East Troy,WI??
someone who was there confirm this show date? I have 3 diff. dates...
2nd Hand News, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Brown Eyes,
Eyes, Gypsy, Love in Store, NTF, NGBA, Landslide, Tusk, Sara, Hold Me, YMLF, Afraid,
GYOW, Letter, Sisters, Songbird
9-11-82 Spectrum, Philadelphia,PA
DLMDA, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Brown Eyes, Eyes, Gypsy,
Love in Store, NTF, NGBA, Landslide, Tusk, Sara, Hold Me, YMLF, Afraid, GYOW,
Letter, Sisters
9-14-82 Brenden Byrne Arena, East Rutherford,NJ
2nd Hand News, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Brown Eyes,
Eyes, Gypsy, Love in Store, NTF, NGBA, Landslide, Tusk, Sara, Hold Me, YMLF, Afraid,
GYOW, Letter, Sisters, Songbird
9-15-82 Boston,MA
2nd Hand News, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Brown Eyes, Eyes,
Gypsy, NGBA, Landslide, Tusk, Sara, YMLF
9-18-82 Joe Louis Arena, Detriot,MI
9-19-82 Joe Louis Arena, Detriot,MI
2nd Hand News, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Brown Eyes,
Eyes, Gypsy, Love in Store, NTF, NGBA, Landslide, Tusk, Sara, Hold Me, YMLF, Afraid,
GYOW, Letter, Sisters, Songbird
9-23-82 Minneapolis,MN
9-27-82 Houston,TX Can anyone confirm the date of this show??
The Summit, Houston, TX Can anyone
confirm the date of this show??
2nd Hand News, Chain, Don't
Stop, Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Brown Eyes, Eyes, Gypsy, Love in Store, NTF,
NGBA, Landslide, Tusk, Sara, Hold Me, YMLF, Afraid, GYOW, Letter, Sisters, Songbird
9-28-82 Dallas,TX Can
anyone confirm the date of this show??
2nd Hand News, Chain,
Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Brown Eyes, Eyes, Gypsy, Love in Store,
NTF, NGBA, Landslide, Tusk, Sara, Hold Me, YMLF, Afraid, GYOW, Letter, Sisters,
9-29-82 Compton Terrace, Tempe,AZ
Compton Terrace, Tempe,AZ
2nd Hand News, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams,
Oh Well, Rhiannon, Brown Eyes, Eyes, Gypsy, Love in Store, NTF, NGBA, Landslide,
Tusk, Sara, Hold Me, Afraid, GYOW, Letter, Sisters, Songbird
Alpine Valley, East Troy,WI
someone who was there confirm this show date? I have 3 diff. dates...
2nd Hand News, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Brown Eyes,
Eyes, Gypsy, Love in Store, NTF, NGBA, Landslide, Tusk, Sara, Hold Me, YMLF, Afraid,
GYOW, Letter, Sisters, Songbird
10-9-82 Chapel Hill,NC Can anyone confirm the date of this show??
Alpine Valley, East Troy,WI
someone who was there confirm this show date? I have 3 diff. dates...
10-15-82 Denver,CO
Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh
Well, Rhiannon, Brown Eyes, Eyes, Gypsy, Love in Store, NTF, NGBA, Landslide,
Tusk, Sara, Hold Me, YMLF, Afraid, GYOW, Letter, Sisters, Songbird
Irvine Meadows, Irvine,CA
2nd Hand News, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams,
Oh Well, Rhiannon, Brown Eyes, Eyes, Gypsy, Love in Store, NTF, NGBA, Landslide,
L&L*, Tusk, Sara, Songbird
* with Don Henley
+ City of Hope Benefit Concert
Coliseum, Oakland,CA
2nd Hand News, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh
Well, Rhiannon, Brown Eyes, Eyes, Gypsy, Love in Store, NTF, NGBA, Landslide,
Tusk, Sara, Hold Me, YMLF, Afraid, GYOW, Letter, Sisters, Songbird
Forum, Los Angeles,CA
2nd Hand News, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh
Well, Rhiannon, Brown Eyes, Eyes, Gypsy, Love in Store, NTF, NGBA, Landslide,
Tusk, Sara, Hold Me, YMLF, Afraid, GYOW, Letter, Sisters, Songbird
Forum, Los Angeles,CA
2nd Hand News, Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh
Well, Rhiannon, Brown Eyes, Eyes, Gypsy, Love in Store, NTF, NGBA, Landslide,
Tusk, Sara, Hold Me, YMLF, Afraid, GYOW, Letter, Sisters, Songbird
Five Seasons Center, Cedar Falls,IA
2nd Hand News, Chain, Don't Stop,
Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Brown Eyes, Eyes, Gypsy, Love in Store, NTF, NGBA,
Landslide, Tusk, Sara, Hold Me, YMLF, Afraid, GYOW, Letter, Sisters, Songbird
10-26-82 Lincoln,NE
2nd Hand News, Chain, Don't Stop,
Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Brown Eyes, Eyes, Gypsy, Love in Store, NTF, NGBA,
Landslide, Tusk, Sara, Hold Me, YMLF, Afraid, GYOW, Letter, Sisters, Songbird
10-31-82 Frank Erwin Center, Austin,TX
2nd Hand News,
Chain, Don't Stop, Dreams, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Brown Eyes, Eyes, Gypsy, Love in
Store, NTF, NGBA, Landslide, Tusk, Hold Me, YMLF, Afraid, GYOW, Letter, Sisters,
Stevie * Wild Heart *
for scrapbook of photos
4-17-83 Myriad, Oklahoma
City,OK ?? (9-17-83??) Can anyone
confirm the date of this show??
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Need to Know,
Sara, If Anyone Falls, L&L, Stand Back, Beauty, Gypsy, HSML, SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon
5-27-83 Alladin Theater, Las Vegas, NV
Dreams, Braid, Gypsy, Angel, L&L, Stand Back, HSML, SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon
Devore Field, San Bernadino,CA
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Braid, Need to Know,
Gypsy, Angel, L&L, Stand Back, HSML, SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon
US Festival II
6-23-83 The Scope, Norfolk,VA
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Braid, Need to Know, If Anyone Falls, Enchanted, L&L, Stand
Back, Beauty, Gypsy, HSML, SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon
6-24-83 Brendan
Byrne Arena, East Rutherford,NJ
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Braid, Need to Know,
Sara, Enchanted, If Anyone Falls, L&L, Stand Back, Beauty, Gypsy, HSML, SDMHA,
17, Rhiannon
6-27-83 Spectrum, Philadelphia,PA
OTR, Dreams, Braid, Need to Know, If Anyone Falls, Angel, L&L, Stand Back,
Beauty, Gypsy, HSML, SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon
6-28-83 Civic Arena, Pittsburgh,PA
7-2-83 Auditorium, Buffalo,NY
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Need to Know, Sara, If Anyone Falls, L&L, Stand Back, Beauty,
7-3-83 Civic Center, Hartford,CT
GDW, Gypsy, OTR, Dreams, Braid, Need to Know, Angel, If Anyone Falls, L&L,
Stand Back, Beauty, Gypsy, HSML, SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon
7-6-83 Centrum, Worchester,MA
7-7-83 Capitol Center, Landover,MD
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Need to Know, Sara, If Anyone Falls, L&L, Stand Back,
Beauty, Gypsy
7-10-83 Coliseum, Greensboro,NC
OTR, Dreams, Braid, Need to Know, If Anyone Falls, Enchanted, L&L, Stand Back,
Beauty, Gypsy, HSML, SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon
7-11-83 Omni, Atlanta,GA
7-14-83 Kempe Arena, Kansas City,MO
GDW, OTR, Dreams,
Need to Know, Sara, If Anyone Falls, L&L, Stand Back, Beauty, Gypsy, HSML,
SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon
7-15-83 Civic Center, St. Paul,MN
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Need to Know, Sara, If Anyone Falls, L&L, Stand Back,
Beauty, Gypsy, HSML, SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon
7-16-83 Civic Center,
St. Paul,MN
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Need to Know,
Sara, If Anyone Falls, L&L, Stand Back, Beauty, Gypsy, HSML, SDMHA , 17, Rhiannon
7-17-83 Rosemont Horizon, Chicago,IL
GDW, OTR, Dreams,
Need to Know, Sara, If Anyone Falls, L&L, Stand Back, Beauty, Gypsy, HSML,
SDMHA, 17,
7-18-83 Rosemont Horizon, Chicago,IL
OTR, Dreams, Need to Know, Sara, If Anyone Falls, L&L, Stand Back, Beauty,
Gypsy, HSML, SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon
7-19-82 CNE Bandshell, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
7-21-83 Blossom Music Center, Cuyahoga
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Need to Know, Sara, If Anyone Falls, L&L,
Stand Back, Beauty, Gypsy, HSML, SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon
Coliseum, Richfield,OH Can anyone confirm
the date of this show??
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Need to Know, Sara,
If Anyone Falls, L&L, Stand Back, Beauty, Gypsy, HSML, SDMHA, 17
7-23-83 Joe Louis Arena, Detroit,MI
7-30-83 Alpine Valley, East
GDW, Gypsy, OTR, Dreams, SDMHA, Need to Know, Sara, 17, If
Anyone Falls, L&L, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Beauty
7-31-83 Riverfront
Stadium, Cincinnati,OH
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Need to Know, Sara, If Anyone
Falls, L&L, Stand Back, Beauty, Gypsy, HSML, SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon
Frank Erwin Center, Austin,TX
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Need to Know, Sara,
If Anyone Falls, L&L, Stand Back, Beauty, Gypsy, HSML, SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon
9-5-83 Reunion Arena, Dallas,TX
GDW, OTR, Dreams,
Need to Know, Sara, If Anyone Falls, L&L, Stand Back, Beauty, Gypsy, HSML,
SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon
9-9-83 Bristol,RI
Saturday Night Live, New York,NY
Stand Back
Radio City Music Hall, New York,NY
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Need to Know,
Sara, If Anyone Falls, L&L, Stand Back, Beauty, Gypsy, HSML, IWRTY, SDMHA,
17, Rhiannon
+ stolen bracelet incident
Radio City Music Hall, New York,NY
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Need to Know,
Sara, If Anyone Falls, L&L, Stand Back, Beauty, Gypsy, HSML, IWRTY*, SDMHA*,
17, Rhiannon
* with Tom Petty
Summit Arena, Houston,TX ? (OK City, OK ?) can
anyone confirm this show date?
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Need to Know,
Sara, If Anyone Falls, L&L, Stand Back, Beauty, Gypsy, HSML, 17, Rhiannon
9-25-83 Compton Terrace, Tempe,AZ
GDW, OTR, Dreams,
Need to Know, Sara, If Anyone Falls, Happy Birthday Wizard, L&L, Stand Back,
Beauty, Gypsy, HSML, SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon
+Benefit for the City
of Hope
9-27-83 Irvine Meadows, Irvine, CA (9-24-83??)
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Need to Know, Sara, If Anyone Falls, L&L, Stand Back,
Beauty, Gypsy, HSML, SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon
10-2-83 Inglewood Forum,
Los Angeles,CA
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Need to Know, Sara, If Anyone Falls,
L&L, Stand Back, Beauty, Gypsy, HSML, SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon
Oakland Coliseum Arena, Oakland,CA
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Need to Know,
Sara, If Anyone Falls, L&L, Stand Back, Beauty, Gypsy, HSML, SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon
10-8-83 Civic Center, Portland, ME ??? (possibly OR) Can anyone confirm this show date??
10-30-83 Jackson Stadium, Jackson,MS
11-5-83 Miami,FL
11-12-83 Tulsa,OK
GDW, OTR, Dreams,
Need to Know, Sara, If Anyone Falls, Happy Birthday Wizard, L&L, Stand Back,
Beauty, Gypsy, HSML, SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon
11-19-83 Iowa City,IA
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Need to Know, Sara, If Anyone Falls, Stand Back, Beauty,
11-20-83 Iowa State University, Ames,IA
OTR, Dreams, Need to Know, Sara, If Anyone Falls, L&L, Stand Back, Beauty,
Gypsy, HSML, SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon
11-23-83 Coliseum, Charlotte,NC
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Need to Know, Sara, If Anyone Falls, L&L, Stand Back,
Beauty, Gypsy, HSML, SDMHA
11-24-83 Columbia,SC
Solid Gold TV Show
Stand Back*
* edited version
6-28-84 Civic Arena, Pittsburgh,PA
8-17-84 Kansas City
5-23-85 Bodega Bay,CA
Do You Want Me to Do*, Talk*, Johnny B. Goode*, Been a Real Long Time*
with Les Dudek
9-17-85 Mullholland Tomorrow Benefit, Universal
Amphitheater, Los Angeles,CA
Stand Back, L&L*, SDMHA**
with Don Henley
** with Tom Petty
Sanctuary Benefit, Tucson,AZ
SDMHA*, Stand Back**,
* with Tom Petty
** with
Don Henley
2-11-86 Australia
Money*, Knockin'
On Heaven's Door*, Blowin' in the Wind*, Got to Go*
* with
Dob Dylan & Tom Petty
2-12-86 Australia
Money*, Knockin' On Heaven's Door*, Blowin' in the Wind*, Got to Go*
with Dob Dylan & Tom Petty
The Summit, Houston,TX
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Talk, Need to Know, Spoken
Word, Sara, Beauty, I Can't Wait, Gypsy, L&L, Stand Back, SDMHA, HSML, 17,
4-12-86 Frank Erwin Center, Austin, TX
OTR, Dreams, Talk, Need to Know, Spoken Word, Sara, Beauty, I Can't Wait, L&L,
Stand Back, SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
4-15-86 Reunion Arena,
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Talk, Need to Know, Spoken Word, Sara,
I Can't Wait, Stand Back, SDMHA, HSML, 17, Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
Myriad, Oklahoma City,OK
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Talk, Need to Know, Spoken
Word, Sara, Beauty, I Can't Wait, L&L, Stand Back, SDMHA, HSML, 17, Rhiannon,
4-19-86 Iowa City,IA
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Talk,
Need to Know, Spoken Word, Beauty, I Can't Wait, L&L, Stand Back, SDMHA, HSML,
4-22-86 Rupp Arena, Lexington,KY
GDW, OTR, Dreams,
Talk, Need to Know, Spoken Word, Beauty, L&L, I Can't Wait, Stand Back, SDMHA,
HSML, 17, Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
4-25-86 Baton Rouge,LA
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Talk, Need to Know, Spoken Word, Beauty, L&L, I Can't Wait,
Stand Back, SDMHA, HSML, 17, Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
4-26-86 Biloxi,MS
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Talk, Need to Know, Spoken Word, Beauty, L&L, I Can't
Wait, Stand Back, SDMHA, HSML, 17
5-2-86 Civic Center, Hartford,CT
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Talk, Need to Know, Beauty, L&L, I Can't Wait, Stand
Back, SDMHA, HSML, 17, Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
5-3-86 Providence, Rhode
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Talk, Need to Know, Spoken Word, Beauty,
L&L, I Can't Wait, Stand Back, SDMHA, HSML, 17, Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
Spectrum, Philadelphia,PA
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Talk, Need to Know, Spoken
Word, Beauty, L&L, I Can't Wait, Stand Back, SDMHA, HSML, Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
5-7-86 Civic Center, Baltimore,MD
GDW, OTR, Dreams,
Talk, Need to Know, Spoken Word, Beauty, I Can't Wait, L&L, Stand Back, SDMHA,
HSML, 17, Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
5-11-86 Tampa,FL
Market Square Arena Indianapolis,IN
GDW, OTR, Dreams, Talk, Need to
Know, Spoken Word, Beauty, L&L, I Can't Wait, SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
5-31-86 Alpine Valley, East Troy,WI
OTR, Dreams,
Talk, Need to Know, Spoken Word, Beauty, L&L, I Can't Wait, Stand Back, SDMHA,
HSML, 17, Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
6-3-86 Centrum, Worchester,MA
OTR, Dreams, Talk, Spoken Word, Beauty, L&L, I Can't Wait, Stand Back,
SDMHA, HSML, 17, Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
6-4-86 Centrum, Worchester,MA
OTR, Dreams, Talk, Spoken Word, Beauty, L&L, I Can't Wait, Stand Back,
SDMHA, 17, Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
6-8-86 Jones Beach, Wantaugh, NY
OTR, Dreams, Talk, Need to Know, Spoken Word, Beauty, L&L, I Can't Wait,
Stand Back, SDMHA, HSML, 17, Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
6-9-86 Jones Beach,
Wantaugh, NY
OTR, Dreams, Talk, Need to Know, Beauty, L&L, Stand
Back, SDMHA, HSML, 17, Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
6-13-86 Cleveland,OH
??? Can anyone confirm the date of
this show??
OTR, Dreams, Talk, Need to Know, Spoken Word, Beauty,
L&L, I Can't Wait, Stand Back, SDMHA, HSML, 17, Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
Garden State Arts Center, Holmdel, NJ
OTR, Dreams, Talk, Need to Know,
Spoken Word, Beauty, L&L, I Can't Wait, Stand Back, SDMHA, HSML, 17, Rhiannon,
6-18-86 Garden State Arts Center, Holmdel, NJ
6-21-86 Poplar Creek Amphitheater, Chicago,IL
Dreams, Talk, Need to Know, Spoken Word, Beauty, L&L, I Can't Wait, Stand
Back, SDMHA, HSML, 17, Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
+ concert recorded
and bootlegged on CD as 'Cloaks and Daggers'
6-22-86 Pine Knob Amphitheater, Clarkston,MI
6-25-86 Red Rocks Amphitheater, Morrison,CO
6-28-86 Compton Terrace, Tempe,AZ
OTR, Dreams, Talk, Need to Know, Spoken Word, Beauty, L&L, I Can't Wait, Stand
Back, SDMHA, HSML, 17, Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
6-29-86 Pacific Amphitheater,
Costa Mesa, CA
OTR, Dreams, Talk, Need to Know, Spoken Word, Beauty,
L&L, I Can't Wait, Stand Back, SDMHA, HSML, 17, Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
??,?? Mick Fleetwood's Zoo
anyone confirm this show date and place? Did the Zoo open for Stevie or was she
a guest?
Rhiannon*, Stand Back*
* Stevie
with the Zoo
7-13-86 San Diego,CA
Shoreline Amphitheater, Mt.View,CA
OTR, Dreams, Talk, Need to Know,
Spoken Word, Beauty, L&L, I Can't Wait, Stand Back, SDMHA, HSML, 17, Rhiannon,
7-17-86 Cal Expo, Sacramento, CA
OTR, Dreams,
Talk, Need to Know, Spoken Word, Beauty, L&L, I Can't Wait, Stand Back, SDMHA,
HSML, 17, Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
7-18-86 Forum, Los Angeles,CA
OTR, Dreams, Talk, Need to Know, Spoken Word, Beauty, L&L, I Can't Wait,
Stand Back, SDMHA, HSML, 17, Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
7-23-86 Spectrum,
Dreams, Talk, Need to Know, Spoken Word, Beauty,Can't
Wait, Stand Back, SDMHA, HSML, 17, Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
8-2-86 Capitol Center, Landover,MD
8-5-86 Madison Square Garden, New
OTR, Dreams, Talk, Need to Know, Spoken Word, Beauty, L&L,
I Can't Wait, Stand Back, SDMHA, HSML, 17, Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
OTR, Dreams, Talk, Need to Know, Spoken Word, Beauty, L&L,
I Can't Wait, Stand Back, SDMHA, HSML, 17, Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
Entertainment Center, Daytona Beach,FL
OTR, Dreams, Talk, Need to
Know, Spoken Word, Beauty, L&L, I Can't Wait, Stand Back, SDMHA, HSML, 17,
8-15-86 Jones Beach Wantagh, NY
OTR, Dreams,
Talk, Need to Know, Beauty, L&L, I Can't Wait, Stand Back, SDMHA, HSML, 17,
Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
8-17-86 Middletown, NY
Happy Birthday, HAEWAFY
8-20-86 Red Rocks Amphitheater, Morrison,CO
OTR, Dreams, Talk, Need to Know, Spoken Word, Beauty, L&L, I Can't Wait,
SDMHA, HSML, 17, Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
8-28-86 Tough on Toxins Benefit,
Sports Arena, Long Beach, CA
Stand Back,17, Rhiannon,
* with Don Henley
9-24-86 Entertainment Centre, Sydney, Australia
9-25-86 Entertainment Centre, Sydney, Australia
9-27-86 Entertainment Centre, Brisbane, Australia
9-29-86 Festival Hall, Melbourne,
OTR, Dreams, Talk, Need to Know, Spoken Word, Beauty, L&L,
I Can't Wait, intros, Stand Back, SDMHA, HSML, 17, Rhiannon, HAEWAFY
Festival Hall, Melbourne, Australia
OTR, Dreams, Talk, Need to Know,
Spoken Word, Beauty, L&L, I Can't Wait, Stand Back, SDMHA, HSML, 17, Rhiannon,
10-1-86 Festival Hall, Melbourne, Australia
10-4-86 Festival Hall, Melbourne, Australia
10-6-86 Entertainment Centre, Sydney, Australia
12-15-86 ??,?? Heart Concert
What About Love*
* Stevie with Heart
Fleetwood Mac * Tango in the Night *
Stevie Nicks, Christine McVie, Mick Fleetwood, Lindsey Buckingham, John McVie
9-11-87 Spectrum, Philadelphia,PA ?? Can anyone confirm the date of this show??
SYLM, Chain, Dreams, Midnight, Rhiannon, Oh Well, Wonders,
Rattlesnake, OMH, GDW, DLMDA, HAEWAFY, Another Woman, Brown Eyes, World Turning,
Gypsy, Lies, Stand Back, YMLF, GYOW, Letter, Don't Stop, Songbird
10-4-87 Kansas City,KS ?? (9-30-87??) Can anyone confirm the date of this show??
SYLM, Chain, Dreams, Midnight, Rhiannon, Oh Well,
Wonders, Rattlesnake, OMH, GDW, DLMDA, HAEWAFY, Another Woman, Brown Eyes, World
Turning, Gypsy, Lies, Stand Back, YMLF, GYOW, Letter, Don't Stop, Songbird
?-?-87 Alpine Valley, East Troy,WI Can anyone confirm the date of this show??
?-?-87 Louisville,KY
10-8-87 Capital Center, Landover, MD
?-?-87 Chapel Hill,NC
?-?-87 Littlejohn Coliseum, Clemson,SC
10-13-87 Coliseum, Richfield,OH
Gypsy, Lies, Stand
Back, YMLF, GYOW, Letter, Don't Stop
10-14-87 Civic Arena, Pittsburgh,PA
?-?-87 Cincinnati,OH
?-?-87 Detroit,MI
10-19-87 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
?-?-87 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
10-23-87 Hartford,CT
10-24-87 Brendan Byrne Arena, East Rutherford,NJ
10-25-87 Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale,NY
10-29-87 Kansas City,MO Can anyone confirm the date of this show??
10-28-87 Spectrum, Philadelphia,PA
10-30-87 Boston Gardens, Boston,MA
10-31-87 Boston Gardens, Boston,MA
SYLM, Chain, Dreams, Midnight, Rhiannon, 7 Wonders,
OMH, GDW, DLMDA ,HAEWAFY, Brown Eyes, Lies, Stand Back, YMLF, GYOW, Songbird
11-4-87 Leon County Civic Center, Tallahassee,FL
11-6-87 Miami,FL
11-7-87 Sun Dome, Tampa,FL
?-?-87 Atlanta,GA
11-10-87 New Orleans,LA
11-12-87 The Summit, Houston,TX
?-?-87 Frank Erwin Center, Austin,TX
11-15-87 Dallas,TX
11-17-87 Murfreesboro,AK
11-19-87 Chicago,IL
?-?-87 St.Louis,MO
?-?-87 Cedar Rapids,IA
?-?-87 St.Paul,MN
?-?-87 Omaha,NE
?-?-87 Denver,CO
?-?-87 Salt Lake City,UT
?-?-87 Las Cruces,NM
12-1-87 Austin,TX
12-3-87 Compton Terrace, Tempe,AZ
?-?-87 Las Vegas,NV
12-6-87 Inglewood Forum, Los Angeles,CA
12-7-87 Inglewood Forum, Los Angeles,CA
12-8-87 Sports Arena, San Diego,CA
12-10-87 Selland Arena, Frenso,CA
SYLM, Chain, Dreams,
Midnight, Everywhere, Oh Well, 7 Wonders, Rattlesnake, GDW,OMH, HAEWAFY, Another
Woman, Brown Eyes, Lies, Stand Back, YMLF, Don't Stop
Cow Palace, San Francisco,CA
+ concert recorded for
Tango in the Night video
12-13-87 Cow Palace,
San Francisco,CA
+ concert recorded for Tango
in the Night video
?-?-87 Sacramento,CA
?-?-87 Seattle,WA
?-?-87 Portland,OR
5-12-88 Nec Arena, Birmingham, England
5-13-88 or 12-14-88? Nec Arena, Birmingham, England
5-18-88 Wembley Arena, London, England
SYLM, Chain,
Dreams, Midnight, Oh Well, 7 Wonders, Stop Messin' Around, Sara, Everywhere, GDW,
DLMDA, HAEWAFY, Another Woman, Brown Eyes, World Turning, Lies, Stand Back, YMLF,
GYOW, Letter, Don't Stop, Songbird
5-19-88 Wembley Arena, London, England
5-21-88 Wembley Arena, London, England
5-22-88 Wembley Arena, London, England
5-24-88 Wembley Arena, London, England
5-25-88 Wembley Arena, London, England
5-28-88 Gothenberg, Sweden
SYLM, Chain, Dreams, Midnight, Oh Well, 7 Wonders, Stop Messin' Around, Sara,
Everywhere, GDW, DLMDA, HAEWAFY, Brown Eyes, World Turning, Lies, Stand Back,
YMLF, GYOW, Letter, Don't Stop
6-4-88 Nuerburing Festival, Koblenz,
SYLM, Chain, Dreams, Midnight, Oh Well, 7 Wonders, Stop Messin'
Around, Everywhere, GDW, DLMDA, HAEWAFY, Brown Eyes, World Turning, Lies, Stand
Back, YMLF, GYOW, Letter, Don't Stop
6-11-88 Westfalenhalle, Dortmund, Germany
6-14-88 Ahoy, Rotterdam, Netherlands
6-15-88 Ahoy, Rotterdam, Netherlands
6-18-88 London, England
6-19-88 London, England
6-25-88 Dublin, Ireland
6-28-88 Manchester, England
SYLM, Chain, Dreams, Midnight, Oh Well, 7 Wonders, Stop Messin' Around, Everywhere,
GDW, DLMDA, HAEWAFY, Another Woman, Brown Eyes, World Turning, Lies, Stand Back,
YMLF, GYOW, Letter, Don't Stop, Songbird
Stevie * the Other Side of the Mirror *
for scrapbook of photos
8-16-89 Pine Knob, Detroit,MI
8-17-89 Canadian National Expo, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
OTR, Dreams, Rooms, GDW, Alice, No Word, HSML, Beauty,
Juliet, Talk, Trouble, 2 Kinds of Love, 17, Stand Back, HAEWAFY
Great Woods Amphitheater, Mansfield,MA
OTR, Dreams,
Rooms, GDW, Alice, No Word, HSML, Beauty, Juliet, Talk, Trouble, 2 Kinds of Love,
8-20-89 Great Woods Amphitheater, Mansfield,MA
OTR, Dreams, Rooms, GDW, Alice,Spoken Word, HSML, Beauty, Juliet, Talk, Trouble,
2 Kinds of Love, 17, Stand Back, HAEWAFY
8-22-89 The Fair, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada
OTR, Dreams, Rooms, GDW, Alice,
No Word, HSML, Beauty, Juliet, Talk, Trouble, 2 Kinds of Love, 17, HAEWAFY
Jones Beach, Garden City,NY
OTR, Dreams, Rooms,
GDW, Alice, No Word, HSML, Beauty, Juliet, Talk, Trouble, 2 Kinds of Love, 17,
8-26-89 Bally's Amphitheater, Atlantic City,NJ
8-28-89 Mann Music Center, Philadelphia,PA
Dreams, Rooms, GDW, Alice, No Word, HSML, Beauty, Juliet, Stand Back, Trouble,
2 Kinds of Love, 17, HAEWAFY
8-29-89 SPAC, Saratoga Springs,
OTR, Dreams, Rooms, GDW, Alice, No Word, HSML,
Beauty, Juliet, Stand Back, Trouble, 2 Kinds of Love, 17, HAEWAFY
Civic Arena, Pittsburgh,PA
OTR, Dreams, Rooms,
GDW, Alice, No Word, HSML, Beauty, Juliet, Talk, Trouble, 2 Kinds of Love, 17
9-3-89 Merriwether Post Pavillion, Columbia,MD
9-5-89 Garden State Arts Center, Eatontowne,NJ
9-8-89 Lake Compounce,
OTR, Dreams, Rooms, GDW, Alice, No
Word, HSML, Beauty, Stand Back, Trouble, 2 Kinds of Love, 17, HAEWAFY
Stevie takes up for the fans
9-9-89 Jones Beach, Garden City,NY
9-11-89 Memorial Auditorium, Buffalo,NY
9-12-89 Blossom Music Center, Cleveland,OH
Dreams, Rooms, GDW, Alice, No Word, HSML, Beauty, Stand Back, Trouble,
2 Kinds of Love, 17, HAEWAFY
9-14-89 Muni, St. Louis,MO
OTR, Dreams, Rooms, GDW, Alice, No Word, HSML, Beauty,
Stand Back, Trouble, 2 Kinds of Love, 17, HAEWAFY
9-15-89 Poplar
Creek, Chicago,IL
OTR, Dreams, Rooms, GDW, Alice,
No Word, HSML, Beauty, Stand Back, Trouble, 2 Kinds of Love, 17, HAEWAFY
9-17-89 Alpine Valley, East Troy,WI
9-18-89 Met, Minneapolis,MN
9-26-89 Oak Mountain Amphitheater, Birmingham,AL
9-27-89 Lakewood Amphitheater, Atlanta,GA
9-29-89 Arena, Orlando,FL
9-30-89 Arena, Miami,FL
OTR, Dreams,
Rooms, GDW, Alice, No Word, HSML, Beauty, Stand Back, Trouble, 2 Kinds of Love,
10-1-89 Sun Dome, Tampa,FL
10-4-89 Gulfport Coliseum, Biloxi,MS
10-6-89? Starplex Amphitheater, Dallas,TX
10-6-89 Summit, Houston,TX
Dreams, Rooms, GDW, Stand Back, Alice, Spoken Word, Beauty, Trouble, 2 Kinds of
love, 17, HAEWAFY
10-8-89 Summit, Houston,TX
Dreams, Rooms, GDW, Stand Back, Alice, Spoken Word, Beauty, Trouble, 2 Kinds of
love, 17, HAEWAFY
10-9-89 Frank Irwin Center, Austin,TX
10-11-89 McNichols Arena, Denver,CO
10-13-89 Compton Terrace, Tempe,AZ
10-14-89 Pacific Amphitheater, Costa Mesa,CA
10-17-89 Concord Pavillion, Concord,CA
10-18-89 Cal Expo, Sacramento,CA
Shoreline Amphitheater, Mountain View,CA
OTR, Dreams,
Rooms, GDW, Alice, No Word, HSML, Beauty, Stand Back, Trouble, 2 Kinds of Love,
10-21-89 Aladdin, Las Vegas,NV
Dreams, Rooms, GDW, Alice, No Word, HSML, Beauty, Stand Back, Trouble,
2 Kinds of Love, 17, HAEWAFY
10-23-89 Greek Theatre, Los Angeles,CA
OTR, Dreams, Rooms, GDW, Alice, HSML, Beauty, Stand
Back, Trouble, 2 Kinds of Love, 17, HAEWAFY
10-24-89 Greek Theatre, Los Angeles,CA
10-26-89 Greek Theatre, Los Angeles,CA
10-27-89 Greek Theatre, Los Angeles,CA
Dublin, Ireland
OTR, Dreams, Rooms, GDW, Alice, No Word, HSML, Beauty,
Stand Back, Trouble, 2 Kinds of Love, 17
11-16-89 Nec Arena, Birmingham, England
11-19-89 Paris, France
OTR, Dreams, Rooms, GDW, Alice, No Word, HSML, Beauty, Stand Back, Trouble, 2
Kinds of Love, 17, HAEWAFY
11-21-89 Ahoy, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
OTR, Dreams, Rooms, GDW, Alice, No Word, HSML, Beauty,
Stand Back, Trouble, 2 Kinds of Love, 17, HAEWAFY
11-27-89 Wembley Arena, London, England
11-?-89 Wembley Arena, London, England
Fleetwood Mac * Behind the Mask *
Stevie Nicks, Christine McVie, Mick Fleetwood, John McVie, Billy Burnette, Rick Vito
3-23-90 Brisbane Entertainment Centre, Brisbane, Australia
3-24-90 Brisbane Entertainment Centre, Brisbane, Australia
3-26-90 National Tennis Centre, Melbourne, Australia
National Tennis Centre, Melbourne, Australia
SYLM, Chain, Midnight,
Save Me, GDW, ITBOMM, Everywhere, Stand on the Rock, Lies, Stand Back, YMLF, GYOW,
Don't Stop, Songbird
(list incomplete)
3-29-90 National Tennis Centre, Melbourne, Australia
3-31-90 National Tennis Centre, Melbourne, Australia
4-1-90 National Tennis Centre, Melbourne, Australia
4-4-90 Memorial Drive, Adelaide, Australia
4-8-90 Perth Entertainment Centre, Perth Australia
4-9-90 Perth Entertainment Centre, Perth, Australia
4-12-90 Sydney Entertainment Centre, Sydney Australia
4-14-90 Sydney Entertainment Centre, Sydney Australia
4-15-90 Sydney Entertainment Centre, Sydney Australia
4-17-90 Sydney Entertainment Centre, Sydney Australia
4-18-90 Sydney Entertainment Centre, Sydney Australia
6-1-90 Cal Expo, Sacramento, CA
6-10-90 Las Vegas, NV
SYLM, Chain, Dreams, Midnight, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Stop Messin' Around, Save Me,
GDW, Another Woman, Landslide, World Turning, Everywhere, Stand on the Rock, Lies,
Stand Back, YMLF, GYOW, Tear It Up, Don't Stop
6-13-90 Denver, CO
6-16-90 Kansas City, MO
6-23-90 Atlanta, GA
7-24-90 Meadowlands, East Rutherford, NJ
ITBOMM, Chain, Dreams, Midnight, Dangerous, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Stop Messin'
Around, Save Me, GDW, Another Woman, Landslide, World Turning, Everywhere, Stand
on the Rock, Lies, Stand Back, YMLF, GYOW, Tear It Up, Don't Stop, Songbird
7-27-90 Mansfield, MA
7-29-90 Milwaukee, WI
Flanders Expo Hall, Gent, Belgium
Chain, Dreams, Midnight, Oh Well,
+ Show stopped due to John McVie finger injury. Concert
was rescheduled for 9-3-90.
8-23-90 De Galgenwaard Stadium, Utrecht, Netherlands
8-25-90 Maine Road - Manchester,
Chain, Dreams, Midnight, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Stop Messin' Around,
Save Me, GDW, Another Woman, Landslide, World Turning, Everywhere, Stand on the
Rock, Lies, Stand Back, YMLF, GYOW, Tear It Up, Don't Stop, Songbird
9-1-90 London, England
9-3-90 Flanders Expo Hall, Gent, Belgium
9-5-90 Stockholm, Sweden
9-7-90 Essen, Germany
9-8-90 Hamburg, Germany
9-9-90 Frankfurt, Germany
9-12-90 Munich, Germany
9-15-90 Locarno, Italy
9-16-90 Modena, Italy
9-18-90 Milan, Italy
9-19-90 Rome, Italy
10-17-90 Gainesville, FL
10-19-90 Chapel Hill, NC
10-21-90 Charlotte, NC
10-24-90 Miami, FL
10-25-90 Tampa, FL
10-27-90 Thompson-Boling Arena, Knoxville,TN
10-28-90 Palace, Auburn Hills, MI
10-30-90 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
11-1-90 New York City, NY
11-2-90 Spectrum, Philadelphia,PA
11-3-90 West Point, PA
11-6-90 Bethlehem,PA
Chain, Dreams, Midnight, Dangerous, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Stop Messin' Around, Save
Me, GDW, Another Woman, Landslide, World Turning, Everywhere, Stand on the Rock,
Lies, Stand Back, YMLF, GYOW, Tear It Up, Don't Stop, Songbird
ITBOMM, Chain, Dreams, Midnight, Dangerous, Oh Well, Rhiannon,
Stop Messin' Around, Save Me, GDW, Another Woman, Landslide, World Turning, Everywhere,
Stand on the Rock, Lies, Stand Back, YMLF, GYOW, Tear It Up, Don't Stop, Songbird
11-11-90 Portland, ME
11-13-90 Boston, MA
11-14-90 Civic Center, Providence,RI
11-16-90 Atlantic City, NJ
11-17-90 Knickerbocker Arena, Albany,NY
ITBOMM, Chain, Dreams, Midnight, Dangerous, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Stop Messin'
Around, Save Me, GDW, Another Woman, Landslide, World Turning, Everywhere, Stand
on the Rock, Lies, Stand Back, YMLF, GYOW, Tear It Up, Don't Stop, Songbird
Civic Arena Pittsburg, PA
ITBOMM, Chain, Dreams, Midnight, Dangerous,
Oh Well, Rhiannon, Jam, SYLM, GDW, Another Woman, Landslide, World Turning, Everywhere,
Stand on the Rock, Lies, Stand Back, YMLF, GYOW, Tear it Up, Don't Stop, Songbird
11-20-90 Coliseum, Richfield,OH
ITBOMM, Chain, Dreams,
Midnight, Dangerous, Oh Well, Rhiannon, Stop Messin' Around, SYLM, GDW, Another
Woman, Landslide, World Turning, Everywhere, Stand on the Rock, Lies, Stand Back,
YMLF, GYOW, Tear It Up, Don't Stop, Songbird
11-23-90 Cincinatti, OH
11-24-90 Indianapolis, IN
11-27-90 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
11-29-90 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
11-30-90 Calgary, Alberta, Canada
12-2-90 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
12-4-90 Seattle, Washington
12-6-90 Coliseum, Oakland,CA
Dangerous, Oh Well,
Rhiannon, SYLM, GDW, Another Woman, Landslide, World Turning, Everywhere, Stand
on the Rock, Lies, Stand Back, YMLF, Tear it Up*, GYOW *
with Lindsey Buckingham
12-7-90 Forum, Los Angeles,CA
(same set as above?) Tear it Up*, GYOW *
* with Lindsey
Arsenio Hall
Stand Back, Love's a Hard Game to Play
Santa Monica, CA
Landslide*, Dreams*
* with Venice
+ Jeff Crago Benefit
7-9-91 Woodlands Pavillion, Houston,TX
7-11-91 Starplex, Dallas,TX
7-13-91 Blockbuster Pavillion, Charlotte,NC
Lakewood Amphitheater, Atlanta,GA
OTR, Dreams, Need to Know, Talk,
Beauty, SDMHA, Rooms, If Anyone Falls, Stand Back, Trouble, HAEWAFY, 17, Rhiannon,
7-17-91 Merriwether Post Pavillion, Columbia,MD
7-19-91 Great Woods Amphitheater, Mansfield,MA
7-20-91 Holman Stadium, Nashua,NH
7-22-91 Garden State Arts Center, Holmdel,NJ
7-23-91 Jones Beach, Wantagh,NY
OTR, Dreams, Need to Know, Talk, Beauty, SDMHA, Rooms, If Anyone Falls, Stand
Back, Trouble, HAEWAFY, 17, Rhiannon, Landslide
7-26-91 Spectrum,
OTR, Dreams, Need to Know, Talk, Beauty, SDMHA, Rooms,
If Anyone Falls, Stand Back, Trouble, HAEWAFY, 17, Rhiannon, Landslide
7-28-91 SPAC, Saratoga Springs,NY
7-31-91 Blossom Music Center, Cuyahoga Falls,OH
8-2-91 Mark Etress Arena, Atlantic City,NJ
8-3-91 Starlake Amphitheater, Pittsburgh,PA
8-6-91 Kingswood, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
8-8-91 Poplar Creek, Chicago,IL
8-9-91 Alpine Valley, East Troy,WI
8-11-91 Red Rocks Amphitheater, Morrison,CO
8-14-91 Concord Pavillion,
OTR, Dreams, Need to Know, Talk, Beauty, SDMHA, Rooms,
If Anyone Falls, Stand Back, Trouble, HAEWAFY, 17, Rhiannon, Landslide
8-15-91 Shoreline Amphitheater, Mt.View,CA
8-17-91 Greek Theatre, Los Angeles,CA
8-18-91 Irvine Meadows, Irvine,CA
10-31-91 Whiskey a Go-Go, Los Angeles,CA
Mr. Tambourine Man*
* duet with Roger McGuinn
Whiskey a Go-Go, Los Angeles,CA
OTR, Dreams, Talk, Stand Back, Trouble,
(order uncertain)
Tonite Show with Jay Leno Hollywood,CA
Blue Denim
Roxbury, Los Angeles,CA
Dreams, MLWCYM, GDW, Denim, Rhiannon, HSML,
Stand Back, HAEWAFY
7-22-94 Great Woods Amphitheater, Mansfield,MA
Dreams, Docklands, Spoken Word, MLWCYM, Denim, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Destiny,
7-24-94 Jones Beach,NY
Denim, Dreams,
Docklands, Spoken Word, MLWCYM, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Destiny, GDW, Talk, HSML,
17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
7-29-94 Civic Arena, Pittsburgh,PA
OTR, Dreams, Docklands, Spoken Word, MLWCYM, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Destiny,
GDW, Talk, Denim, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
7-30-94 Mann Music Center, Philadelphia,PA
8-1-94 Garden State Art Center,
OTR, Dreams, Docklands, Spoken Word, MLWCYM, Rhiannon,
Stand Back, Destiny, GDW, band intros, Talk, Denim, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
8-2-94 Late Show with David Letterman, New York,NY
Blue Denim
8-10-94 Cuyahoga Falls,OH
Poplar Creek Amphitheater, Chicago,IL
OTR, Dreams, Docklands, MLWCYM,
Rhiannon, Stand Back, Destiny, GDW, Talk, Denim, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
Sandstone Amphitheater, Bonner Springs, KS
OTR, Dreams, Rooms, MLWCYM,
Rhiannon, Stand Back, Destiny, GDW, Talk, Denim, 17, Kansas
City*, Need To Know, HAEWAFY
* only live Kansas City?
8-19-94 Pine Knob, Clarkston,MI
Ohio State Fairgrounds, Columbus,OH
Dreams, Rooms, MLWCYM, Rhiannon,
Stand Back, Destiny, GDW, Talk, Denim, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
Greek Theatre, Los Angeles,CA
OTR, Dreams, Rooms, MLWCYM, Rhiannon,
Stand Back, Destiny, GDW, Talk, Denim, 17, Chain, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
Arco Arena, Sacramento,CA
OTR, Dreams, Rhiannon, MLWCYM, GDW, Stand
Back, Destiny, Talk, Denim, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY, Rooms
8-31-94 Irvine Meadows, Irvine,CA
9-4-94 Compton Terrace, Tempe,AZ
9-5-94 Alladin Theater, Las Vegas,NV
OTR, Dreams, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Destiny, GDW, Talk, Denim, 17, Need to
9-7-94 Fiddler's Green, Denver, CO
OTR, Dreams, Rooms, MLWCYM, Rhiannon, Stand Back,
Destiny, GDW, Talk, Denim, 17, Chain, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
House of Blues, Hollywood,CA
OTR, Dreams, Rooms, MLWCYM, Rhiannon,
Stand Back, Destiny, GDW, Talk, Denim, 17, Chain, Need to Know
concert recorded for Westwood One Superstar Concert Series
House of Blues, Hollywood,CA
OTR, Dreams, Rooms, MLWCYM, Rhiannon,
Stand Back, Destiny, GDW, Talk, Denim, 17, Chain, Need to Know
Arizona State Fair
* with the Gin Blossoms
Hard Rock Cafe, Phoenix,AZ
Feelin' Alright*
* with
the Freddy Jones Band
5-3-96 Patricia Barnstable Brown's
Pre-Derby Party, Louisville,KY
Johnny B. Goode*
with Mick Fleetwood
7-4-96 St. Petersburg Pier, St. Petersburg,FL
Dreams, GDW, Rooms, Rhiannon, Twisted, HAEWAFY
+ MIX 96
free concert
7-20-96 Sharell Club, Phoenix,AZ
Whenever I Call You Friend*
* duet with Kenny Loggins
8-24-96 Polaris Amphitheater, Columbus,OH
WNCI Kid's Camp Benefit
10-12-96 Boston Common, Boston
OTR, Dreams, Twisted, GDW, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Need to Know,
+ WBMX Mix Fest free concert
Union Hall, Phoenix,AZ
Dreams, Landslide, L&L*, Rhiannon
* with Don Henley,
+ Benefit for the Southwest Center for Biological
Bruce Hornsby,
Tim Schmit, and Roger McGuinn also appeared.
Fleetwood Mac * The Dance *
for scrapbook of photos
Stevie Nicks, Christine McVie, Mick Fleetwood, Lindsey Buckingham, John McVie
5-21-97 Warner Brothers Studios, Burbank,CA
+ dress rehearsal
Warner Brothers Studios, Burbank,CA
dress rehearsal
5-23-97 Warner
Brothers Studios, Burbank,CA
Chain, Dreams,
Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go
Insane, Landslide, SYLM, YMLF, Demon, Silver Springs, OMH, Rhiannon, Sweet Girl,
GYOW, Tusk, Don't Stop, Songbird
concert recorded and released on CD and VHS as the Dance
9-17-97 Hartford,CT
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed
to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl*, Demon,
Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, Eyes, Silver Springs, Tusk,
GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
first live public performance of Sweet Girl
Great Woods Amphitheater, Mansfield,MA
Dreams, Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big
Love, Go Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick
drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird,
Farmer's Daughter
9-20-97 Great
Woods Amphitheater, Mansfield,MA
Dreams, Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big
Love, Go Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Little Demon, Stand Back, Daddy,
NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't
Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale,NY
Dreams, Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big
Love, Go Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick
drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird,
Farmer's Daughter
9-24-97 Starlake
Amphitheater, Burgettstown,PA
Dreams, Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big
Love, Go Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick
drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird,
Farmer's Daughter
9-26-97 Sony Entertainment
Center, Camden, NJ
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere,
GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide,
SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd
Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
9-27-97 Nissan Pavillion, Bristow,VA
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One,
Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon,
Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs,
Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
Continental Airlines Arena, East Rutherford,NJ
Dreams, Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big
Love, Go Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick
drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird,
Farmer's Daughter
10-1-97 Polaris
Amphitheater, Columbus,OH
Chain, Dreams,
Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go
Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum
solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird,
Farmer's Daughter
10-3-97 Cincinnati,OH
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One,
Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon,
Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs,
Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
Palace, Auburn Hills,MI
Chain, Dreams,
Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go
Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum
solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird,
Farmer's Daughter
10-5-97 Deer Creek
Amphitheater, Noblesville,IN
Chain, Dreams,
Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go
Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum
solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird,
Farmer's Daughter
10-8-97 Minneapolis,MN
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One,
Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon,
Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs,
Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere, GDW,
Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide,
SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd
Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
10-11-97 Tacoma Dome, Tacoma,WA
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporarry
One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl,
Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver
Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
Shoreline Amphitheater, Mountainview,CA
Dreams, Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big
Love, Go Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick
drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird,
Farmer's Daughter
10-15-97 Shoreline
Amphitheater, Mountainview,CA
Dreams, Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big
Love, Go Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick
drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird,
Farmer's Daughter
10-17-97 Irvine
Meadows, Irvine,CA
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere,
GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide,
SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd
Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
10-18-97 Irvine Meadows, Irvine,CA
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One,
Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon,
Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs,
Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
Irvine Meadows, Irvine,CA
Chain, Dreams,
Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go
Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum
solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird,
Farmer's Daughter
10-22-97 Blockbuster
Pavillion Phoenix,AZ
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere,
GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide,
SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd
Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
10-24-97 Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles,CA
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One,
Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon,
Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs,
Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
Las Vegas,NV
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere,
GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide,
SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd
Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
10-28-97 Salt Lake City,UT
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One,
Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon,
Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs,
Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
McNichols Arena, Denver,CO
Chain, Dreams,
Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go
Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum
solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird,
Farmer's Daughter
10-31-97 San Antonio,TX
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One,
Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon,
Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs,
Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere,
GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide,
SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd
Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
11-4-97 Dallas,TX
Dreams, Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big
Love, Go Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick
drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird,
Farmer's Daughter
11-6-97 Nashville,TN
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One,
Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon,
Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs,
Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
Coral Sky Amphitheater, West Palm Beach,FL
Dreams, Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big
Love, Go Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick
drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird,
Farmer's Daughter
11-9-97 Orlando
Arena, Orlando,FL
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere,
GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide,
SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd
Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
11-12-97 Ice Palace, Tampa,FL
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One,
Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon,
Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs,
Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
Pyramid, Memphis,TN
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere,
GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide,
SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd
Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
11-15-97 Lakewood Amphitheater, Atlanta,GA
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One,
Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon,
Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs,
Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
Kiel Center, St. Louis,MO
Chain, Dreams,
Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go
Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum
solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird,
Farmer's Daughter
11-18-97 Moline,IL
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One,
Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon,
Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs,
Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
Rosemont Horizon, Chicago,IL
Chain, Dreams,
Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go
Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum
solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird,
Farmer's Daughter
11-21-97 Palace,
Auburn Hills,MI
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere,
GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide,
SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd
Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
11-23-97 Buffalo,NY
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed
to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand
Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk,
GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
Gund Arena, Cleveland,OH
Chain, Dreams,
Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go
Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum
solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird,
Farmer's Daughter
11-26-97 Knickerbocker
Arena, Albany,NY
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere,
GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide,
SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd
Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
11-27-97 Madison Square Garden, New York,NY
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One,
Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon,
Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs,
Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
Convention Center on the Boardwalk, Atlantic City,NJ
Dreams, Everywhere, GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big
Love, Go Insane, Landslide, SYLM, Sweet Girl, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick
drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd Hand News, Silver Springs, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird,
Farmer's Daughter
11-30-97 US Air
Arena, Landover,MD
Chain, Dreams, Everywhere,
GDW, Afraid, Temporary One, Bleed to Love Her, Gypsy, Big Love, Go Insane, Landslide,
SYLM, Sweet Girl*, Demon, Stand Back, Daddy, NTF, Mick drum solo, Rhiannon, 2nd
Hand News, Silver Springs*, Tusk, GYOW, Don't Stop, Songbird, Farmer's Daughter
* Final live performance of Sweet Girl,
Silver Springs
1-12-98 Late Show with David Letterman,
Ed Sullivan Theater, New York,NY
* Stevie
& Lindsey only
1-13-98 Late Show with David Letterman,
Ed Sullivan Theater, New York,NY
Big Love*
* Stevie
& Lindsey only
1-13-98 Fleetwood Mac Induction into the Rock & Roll Hall
of Fame, Waldorf-Astoria, New York,NY
Landslide*, Big Love*, SYLM
* Stevie & Lindsey only
Brit Awards Docklands Arena, London, England
Don't Stop, Rhiannon,
GYOW, Everywhere
2-25-98 Grammy Awards Radio City Music Hall,
New York,NY
Rhiannon*, GYOW*, Don't Stop*
* partial
songs played as a medley
Stevie * Enchanted *
for scrapbook of photos
4-16-98 Stormy Weather,
Wiltern Theater, Los Angeles,CA
When Sunny Gets Blue*, At Last**
* only live performance of When Sunny Gets Blue
first live performance of At Last
** with 66 piece El
Nino Orchestra
+ Benefit for Thoreau Institute's Walden
Woods project.
4-30-98 Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC
Studio, Los Angeles,CA
Stand Back
5-24-98 Hartford
Meadows, Hartford,CT
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, SDMHA,Glitter,
Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide,
Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
+ rehearsal
Hartford Meadows, Hartford,CT
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid,
SDMHA, Glitter, Garbo*, Rose Garden*, Sleeping Angel*, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble,
Landslide, Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
* first public
live performance of Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel
Pine Knob Amphitheater, Detroit, MI
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid,
SDMHA, Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble,
Landslide, Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
5-30-98 New World
Amphitheater, Tinley Park, IL
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid,
SDMHA, Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble,
Landslide, Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
6-2-98 Blossom
Music Theater, Cleveland, OH
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, SDMHA,
Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide,
Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
6-3-98 Riverbend Music Center,
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, SDMHA, Glitter,
Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide,
Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
6-5-98 Polaris Amphitheater,
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, SDMHA, Glitter, Garbo,
Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide, Twisted,
17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
6-6-98 Deer Creek Music Center, Noblesville,IN
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, SDMHA, Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping
Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide, Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
6-9-98 Star Lake Amphitheatre, Burgettstown,PA
Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, SDMHA, Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel,
Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide, Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
Great Woods Amphitheater, Manchester,MA
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW,
Braid, SDMHA, Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon,
Trouble, Landslide, Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
PNC Arts Center, Holmdale,NJ
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, SDMHA,
Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide,
Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
6-14-98 Jones Beach, Wantagh,
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, SDMHA, Glitter, Garbo, Rose
Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide, Twisted, 17,
Need to Know, HAEWAFY
6-16-98 Late Show with David Letterman,
Ed Sullivan Theater, New York,NY
HAEWAFY, Rhiannon
Radio City Music Hall, New York, NY
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid,
SDMHA, Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble,
Landslide, Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
6-19-98 Sony Entertainment
Center, Camden, NJ
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, SDMHA, Glitter,
Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide,
Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
6-21-98 Marshall Park, Charlotte,
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, SDMHA, Glitter, Garbo, Rose
Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide, 17, HAEWAFY
+ Summer Sounds Festival
6-23-98 GTE
Virginia Beach Amphitheater, Virginia Beach, VA
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted,
GDW, Braid, SDMHA, Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon,
Trouble, Landslide, Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
Nissan Pavillion, Bristow, VA
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid,
SDMHA, Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble,
Landslide, Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
6-26-98 Walnut
Creek Amphitheater, Raleigh, NC
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid,
SDMHA, Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble,
Landslide, Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
6-27-98 Lakewood
Amphitheater, Atlanta, GA
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Glitter, Garbo,
Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble?, Landslide, Twisted,
17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
6-29-98 Oak Mountian, Birmingham, AL
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel,
Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble?, Landslide, Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
7-1-98 Orlando Arena, Orlando, FL
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted,
GDW, Braid, Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon,
Trouble, Landslide, Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
Ice Palace, Tampa, FL
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, Glitter,
Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide,
Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
7-4-98 Coral Sky, West Palm
Beach, FL
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, Glitter, Garbo, Rose
Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide, Twisted, 17,
Need to Know, HAEWAFY
7-10-98 Starwood, Nashville, TN
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping
Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide, Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
7-12-98 Sandstone Amphitheater, Kansas City, KS
Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand
Back, Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide, Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
Van Andel Arena, Grand Rapids, MI
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid,
Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide,
Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
7-16-98 San Antonio, TX
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping
Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide, Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
7-17-98 Starplex, Dallas, TX
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted,
GDW, Braid, Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon,
Trouble, Landslide, Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
Woodlands, Houston, TX
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, Glitter,
Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide,
Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
7-21-98 Fiddlers Green, Denver,
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden,
Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide, Twisted, 17, Need to
7-23-98 America West, Phoenix, AZ
Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand
Back, Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide, Twisted, 17*, L&L**, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
* with Mick Fleetwood
** with Don
+ Benefit for Arizona Heart Institute.
7-25-98 MGM Grand Garden, Las Vegas, NV
OTR, Dreams,
Enchanted, GDW, Braid, Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back,
Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide, Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
Universal Amphitheatre, Los Angeles, CA
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW,
Braid, Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble,
Landslide, Twisted, 17*, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
* with Mick
7-28-98 Coors Amphitheater, San Diego, CA
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping
Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide, Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
7-31-98 Irvine Meadows, Irvine, CA
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted,
GDW, Braid, Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon,
Trouble, Landslide, Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
Shoreline Amphitheater, Mountain View, CA
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted,
GDW, Braid, Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon,
Trouble, Landslide, Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
Concord Pavillion, Concord, CA
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid,
Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide,
Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
8-5-98 Reno Hilton Amphitheater,
Reno, NV
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, Glitter, Garbo, Rose
Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide, Twisted, 17,
Need to Know, HAEWAFY
8-7-98 The Gorge, George, WA
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel,
Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide, Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
Rose Garden, Portland, OR
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, Glitter,
Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide,
Twisted, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
8-14-98 Yasgur's Farm, Bethel,
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, Glitter, Garbo, Rose Garden,
Sleeping Angel, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble, Landslide, Twisted, 17, Need to
+ A Day in the Garden, Woodstock '98
VH1 Taping of Stevie Nicks Storytellers
Dreams, Landslide, Glitter,
Garbo, Rose Garden, Sleeping Angel, Dreams, Landslide, Stand Back, GDW, 17, Stand
Back, HAEWAFY, Sara (tease), Rhiannon (piano), Rhiannon (piano)
MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas, NV
At Last, Dreams, Rhiannon, Stand
+ Andre Agassi Benefit for underprivileged children
10-18-98 Cheryl Crow Storytellers - VH1
Strong Enough*
* duet with Cheryl Crow
11-1-98 Stevie
Nicks Storytellers - VH1
Dreams, Landslide, Stand Back, Rhiannon (piano),
Glitter, 17, HAEWAFY
11-4-98 Barker Hangar at Santa Monica Airport,
Santa Monica,CA
Black Velvet*, It Takes Two**
only public live performance of Black Velvet, It Takes Two
duet with Don Henley
+ The Spirit of Life Award Dinner,
benefit for the City of Hope
3-30-99 Union
Hall, Phoenix, AZ
Strong Enough*
* first public
live performance of Strong Enough
** duet with Sheryl
6-17-99 New Orleans Convention Center, New Orleans,
Rhiannon, Gold Dust Woman, many more...
was the 'after dinner entertainment' at a Trade Show
Rose Bowl, Pasadena, CA
Strong Enough*
* duet with
Sheryl Crow
+ Lilith Fair
Central Park, New York City, NY
Gold Dust Woman*
with Sheryl Crow
+ Concert billed as 'Sheryl Crow &
Friends'. Broadcast live on Radio and TV.
Eric Clapton,
Keith Richards, Sarah McLachlan, Crissie Hynde, Dixie Chicks also appeared
11-19-99 Omaha Civic Auditorium, Omaha, NE
performed a private corporate show sponsored by First Data Corp.
Stevie * Holiday Millennium Tour *
12-28-99 House of Blues, Hollywood,CA
OTR, Dreams,
Enchanted, GDW, Braid, Rooms on Fire, Stand Back, Rhiannon (w/ piano intro) Band
Intro, Trouble, Landslide, Drums, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
House of Blues, Hollywood,CA
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, Rooms
on Fire, Stand Back, Rhiannon (w/ piano intro) Band Intro, Trouble, Landslide,
Drums, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
12-31-99 House of Blues, Las
Vegas, NV
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, Rooms on Fire, Band
Intro, HAPPY NEW YEAR!, Auld Lang Syne, Stand Back, Rhiannon (w/ piano intro),
Trouble, Landslide, Drums, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
for scrapbook of photos
1-3-2000 House of Blues, Hollywood,CA
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, Stand Back, Rhiannon (w/ piano intro)
Band Intro, Trouble, Landslide, Drums, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
soundcheck - OTR, Enchanted, OTR, Dreams
for scrapbook of photos
1-4-2000 House of
Blues, Hollywood,CA
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, Stand Back,
Rhiannon (w/ piano intro) Band Intro, Trouble, Landslide, Drums, 17, Need to Know,
1-6-2000 The Joint - Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Las
Vegas, NV
2000 International Consumer Electronics Show
+ Private corporate show for Zenith Electronics Corporation
1-8-2000 Sun Theater, Anaheim, CA
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted,
GDW, Braid, Stand Back, Rhiannon (w/ piano intro) Band Intro, Trouble, Landslide,
Drums, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
1-9-2000 Sun Theater, Anaheim,
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, Stand Back, Rhiannon (w/ piano
intro) Band Intro, Trouble, Landslide, Drums, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
Cow Palace, San Francisco, CA
Dreams, GDW, Landslide*, Stand Back,
Rhiannon (piano and rock version).
*Waddy Wachtel played with
Stevie for the first time in a long time.
+ Private
corporate show for the NBA Allstars. Al Green and Jewel also appeared.
8-8-2000 The Joint - Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, NV
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Braid, Stand Back, Rhiannon (w/ piano intro),
Trouble, Landslide, Drums, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
+ Private
corporate show for World Shoe Association
8-29-2000 San
Diego, CA
Enchanted, Dreams, GDW, Braid, Stand Back, Rhiannon, Trouble,
17, Landslide, HAEWAFY
+ Private corporate show for the National
Association of Chain Drug Stores
9-23-2000 America West
Arena, Phoenix, AZ
OTR, Dreams, Enchanted, GDW, Everyday is a Winding
Road (w/ Sheryl Crow)*1, My Favorite
Mistake (Sheryl Crow only), The Difficult Kind (w/
Sheryl Crow)*2, Stand Back, Leather & Lace (w/
Don Henley), Boys of Summer (Don Henley only), Happy
Birthday (sung to Brett Tuggle), Rhiannon, It's Late (w/
Chris Isaak)*3, Solitary Man (w/ Chris
Isaak)*4, Baby Did a Bad Thing (w/ Chris
Isaak & Sheryl Crow)*5, Big Love (acoustic,
Lindsey only), Go Insane (acoustic w/ poem intro), Gypsy
(acoustic w/ Lindsey, Carlos & Waddy)*6,
17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
*1-6 First public live performance
** Waddy Wachtel on guitar.
+ Benefit
for Arizona Heart Institute
for scrapbook of photos
The White House Lawn, Washington, DC
Silent Night*
with Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
+ Concert celebrating
the 32nd Anniversary of the Special Olympics. Jon Bon Jovi, Sheryl Crow, Macy
Gray, B.B. King, , Tom Petty & Heartbreakers, John Popper, Stevie Wonder also
1-6-2001 The White House Lawn, Washington, DC
Don't Stop, Chain, Dreams, Tusk, Rhiannon, Big Love, Landslide, Gypsy, So
Afraid, GDW, GYOW
* with Fleetwood Mac: Lindsey Buckingham,
Mick Fleetwood, John McVie, Brett Tuggle, Lenny Castro, Neil Heywood, Sharon Celani,
Mindi Stein. Christine McVie was not present.
+ Surprise
concert for President Clinton's farewell party.
Stevie * Trouble in Shangri-La *
Hollywood, CA
OTR, Dreams, GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer, Rhiannon, Grace*,
Only Love*, Stand Back, Landslide, 17, HAEWAFY
* with Sheryl
+ Showcase concert for industry executives
4-9-2001 Chris Issac Show, Hollywood, CA
??, Solitary
* with Chris Issac
4-11-2001 Shrine
Auditorium, Los Angeles, CA
* with Sheryl
+ Stevie is presented with an Achievement Award
for Songwriting by Sheryl Crow
4-21-2001 Hotel-Intercontinental,
Dallas, TX
Dreams, GDW, Landslide, Stand Back, L&L*
with Don Henley
+ The Yellow Rose Foundation Gala
to benefitMultiple Sclerosis
4-23-2001 KDMX Radio Station,
Dallas, TX
* with Waddy Wachtel
+ Live radio broadcast & "Breakfast with Stevie"
4-23-2001 Merge 93 Radio Station, Dallas, TX
* with Waddy Wachtel
+ Live radio
broadcast & "Lunch with Stevie"
KBCO Radio Station, Boulder, CO
* with
Waddy Wachtel
+ Live radio broadcast
Shine, New York City, NY
Only Love*, L&L*, Difficult Kind*, SDMHA*
* with Sheryl Crow
5-3-2001 Rosie
O'Donnel Show
Every Day, Landslide*
* with Frank
+ broadcast on 5-4-2001
5-3-2001 Late Show
with David Letterman, Ed Sullivan Theater, New York,NY
Every Day
6-15-2001 Radio & Records Convention,
Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, CA
Every Day, Dreams, ?, ?
Post Gazette Pavilion, Burgettstown, PA
Enchanted, OTR, Dreams, GDW*, Sorcerer*, My Favorite Mistake+, Every Day, Rhiannon,
Stand Back, Planets, Winding Road*, Texas*, Sapphires, Grace*, 17, Need to Know*,
* w/ Sheryl Crow
+ Sheryl Crow only
for scrapbook of photos
7-7-2001 DTE Energy
Center, Clarkston, MI
SDMHA, Enchanted, OTR, Dreams, GDW*, Sorcerer*,
My Favorite Mistake+, Every Day, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets, Winding Road*,
Texas*, Sapphires, Grace*, 17, Need to Know*, HAEWAFY
* w/
Sheryl Crow
+ Sheryl Crow only
for scrapbook of photos
7-10-2001 Allstate
Arena, Rosemont, IL
SDMHA, Enchanted, OTR, Dreams,
GDW*, Sorcerer*, My Favorite Mistake+, Every Day, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets,
Winding Road*, Texas*, Sapphires, Grace*, 17, Need to Know*, HAEWAFY
w/ Sheryl Crow
+ Sheryl Crow only
for scrapbook of photos
7-11-2001 Riverbend Music Center,Cincinnati, OH
SDMHA, Enchanted, OTR, Dreams, GDW*, Sorcerer*, My Favorite Mistake+, Every
Day, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets, Winding Road*, Texas*, Sapphires, Grace*,
17, Need to Know*, HAEWAFY
* w/ Sheryl Crow
+ Sheryl Crow
for scrapbook of photos
7-13-2001 Meadows Music Theater, Hartford, CT
SDMHA, Enchanted, OTR, Dreams, GDW*, Sorcerer*, My Favorite Mistake+, Every
Day, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets, Winding Road*, Texas*, Sapphires, Grace*,
17, Need to Know*, HAEWAFY
* w/ Sheryl Crow
+ Sheryl Crow
for scrapbook of photos
Tweeter Center, Mansfield, MA
SDMHA, Enchanted,
OTR**, Dreams, GDW*, Sorcerer*, My Favorite Mistake+, Every Day, Rhiannon, Stand
Back, Planets, Winding Road*, Texas*, Sapphires, Grace*, 17, Need to Know*, HAEWAFY
* w/ Sheryl Crow
+ Sheryl Crow only
**Final Outside the
Rain on the TISL tour
for scrapbook of photos
Tweeter Center, Camden, NJ
SDMHA, Enchanted,
Dreams, GDW, Sorcerer, Every Day, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets, Texas, Sapphires,
Grace, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
for scrapbook of photos
Blossom Music Center, Cuyahoga Falls, OH
SDMHA, Enchanted, Dreams,
GDW, Sorcerer, Every Day, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets, Texas, Sapphires, Grace,
17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
7-20-2001 Jones Beach Amphitheatre,
Wantagh, NY
SDMHA, Enchanted, Dreams, GDW*,
Sorcerer*, My Favorite Mistake+, Every Day, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets, Winding
Road*, Texas*, Grace*, Sapphires, 17, Need to Know*, HAEWAFY
w/ Sheryl Crow
+ Sheryl Crow only
for scrapbook of photos
PNC Bank Arts Center, Holmdel, NJ
SDMHA, Enchanted, Dreams, GDW, Sorcerer,
Every Day, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets, Texas, Grace, Sapphires, 17, Need to
for scrapbook of photos
7-28-2001 Nissan Pavillion,
Manassas, VA
SDMHA, Enchanted, Dreams, GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer, Rhiannon,
Stand Back, Planets, Texas, Grace, Sapphires, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
Chastain Park, Atlanta, GA
SDMHA, Enchanted, Dreams, GDW, Every Day,
Sorcerer, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets, Texas, Grace, Sapphires, 17, Need to
8-3-2001 Smirnoff Music
Center, Dallas, TX
SDMHA, Enchanted, Dreams, GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer,
Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets, Texas, Grace, Sapphires, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, Woodlands,
SDMHA, Enchanted, Dreams, GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer, Rhiannon, Stand
Back, Planets, Texas, Grace, Sapphires, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
Journal Pavilion, Albuquerque, NM
SDMHA, Enchanted,
Dreams, GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets, Texas, Grace,
Sapphires, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
8-8-2001 Fiddlers Green,
Denver, CO
SDMHA, Enchanted, Dreams, GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer, Rhiannon,
Stand Back, Planets, Texas, Grace, Sapphires, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
Rose Garden, Portland, OR
SDMHA, Enchanted, Dreams, GDW, Every Day,
Sorcerer, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets, Texas, Grace, Sapphires, 17, Need to
8-12-2001Key Arena, Seattle, WA
Enchanted, Dreams, GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets, Texas,
Grace, Sapphires, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
8-17-2001 County
Bowl, Santa Barbara, CA
SDMHA, Enchanted, Dreams, GDW, Every Day,
Sorcerer, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets, Texas, Grace, Sapphires**, 17, Need to
**Final Bombay Sapphires on the TISL tour
8-18-2001 Verizon Wireles Amphitheater, Irvine, CA
SDMHA, Enchanted, Dreams, GDW, Every Day, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets,
Texas, Grace, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
8-21-2001 Tonight
Show with Jay Leno, NBC Studio, Los Angeles,CA
w/ Sheryl Crow
9-4-2001 Verizon
Wireles Amphitheater, Virginia Beach, VA
Enchanted, Dreams, GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets, Texas,
Grace, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
for scrapbook of photos
Altell Pavilion, Raleigh, NC
SDMHA, Enchanted,
Dreams, GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets, Texas, Grace,
17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
for scrapbook of photos
Verizon Wireles Amphitheater - Charlotte, NC
Enchanted, Dreams, GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets, Texas,
Grace, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
for scrapbook of photos
Sovereign Center - Reading, PA
SDMHA, Enchanted,
Dreams, GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets, Texas, Grace,
17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
for scrapbook of photos
Molson Amphitheater - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
SDMHA, Enchanted, Dreams,
GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets, Texas, Grace, 17, Need
to Know, HAEWAFY
9-15-2001 Trump
Taj Mahal Arena - Atlantic City, NJ
SDMHA, Enchanted,
Dreams, GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets, Texas, Grace,
17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
for scrapbook of photos
Polaris Amphitheater - Columbus, OH
SDMHA, Enchanted,
Dreams, GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets, Texas, Grace,
17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
for scrapbook of photos
Merriweather Post Pavilion - Columbia, MD
Enchanted, Dreams, GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets, Texas,
Grace, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
for scrapbook of photos
Chastain Park - Atlanta, GA
SDMHA, Enchanted,
Dreams, GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets, Texas, Grace,
17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
for scrapbook of photos
AMSouth Amphitheatre - Nashville, TN
Enchanted, Dreams, GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer*, Favorite Mistake*, Rhiannon, Stand
Back, Winding Road+, Texas*, Grace*, 17, Need to Know*, HAEWAFY
w/ Sheryl Crow
+ Sheryl Crow only
9-25-2001 Teco
Arena - Estero, FL
SDMHA, Enchanted, Dreams,
GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets, Texas, Grace, 17, Need
to Know, HAEWAFY
for scrapbook of photos
Mars Music Amphitheatre - West Palm Beach, FL
Enchanted, Dreams, GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Planets, Texas,
Grace, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
for scrapbook of photos
Shoreline Amphitheatre - Mountain View, CA
SDMHA, Enchanted, Dreams,
GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer*, Favorite Mistake*, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Winding Road+,
Planets, Texas*, Grace*, 17, Need to Know*, HAEWAFY
* w/
Sheryl Crow
+ Sheryl Crow only
10-1-2001 Chronicle
Pavilion - Concord, CA
SDMHA, Enchanted, Dreams, GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer*,
Favorite Mistake*, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Winding Road+, Planets**, Texas*, Grace*,
17, Need to Know*, HAEWAFY
* w/ Sheryl Crow
+ Sheryl
Crow only
**Final Planets of the Universe on the TISL
10-3-2001 Coors Amphitheatre - Chula Vista,
SDMHA, Enchanted, Dreams, GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer, Rhiannon, Stand
Back, Texas, Grace, 17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
Aladdin Casino Theater - Las Vegas, NV
Enchanted, Dreams, GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Texas, Grace,
17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
for scrapbook of photos
Aladdin Casino Theater - Las Vegas, NV
Enchanted, Dreams, GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer*, Favorite Mistake*, Rhiannon, Stand
Back, Winding Road+, Texas*, Grace*, 17, Need to Know*, HAEWAFY
w/ Sheryl Crow
+ Sheryl Crow only
for scrapbook of photos
Universal Amphitheatre - Hollywood, CA
Enchanted, Dreams, GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer*, Favorite Mistake*, Rhiannon, Stand
Back, Winding Road+, Texas*, Grace*, 17, Need to Know*, HAEWAFY
w/ Sheryl Crow
+ Sheryl Crow only
Universal Amphitheatre - Hollywood, CA
Enchanted, Dreams, GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer*, Favorite Mistake*, Rhiannon, Stand
Back, Winding Road+, Texas*, L&L**, Grace*, 17, Need to Know*, HAEWAFY
* w/ Sheryl Crow
+ Sheryl Crow only
** w/ Don Henley
* w/ Sheryl Crow
America West Arena - Phoenix, AZ
SDMHA, Enchanted, Dreams, GDW, Sorcerer
(w/ Sheryl Crow), My Favorite Mistake (Sheryl only), L&L (w/ Don Henley),
End of the Innocence (D. Henley only), Boys of Summer (D. Henley only), Every
Day, Rhiannon, Landslide (w/ Lindsey), Big Love (acoustic, Lindsey only), Lindsey
Poem, Go Insane (acoustic, Lindsey only), Love Minus Zero* (Lindsey & Mick),
Winding Road (w/ Sheryl), Texas (w/ Natalie Maines), Grace (w/ Sheryl), 17, Need
to Know (w/ Natalie), HAEWAFY
+ Stevie Nicks & Friends
- Benefit for Arizona Heart Institute
* Bob Dylan cover, dedicated
to George Harrison
12-7-2001 Cox Arena - San
Diego, CA
SDMHA, Dreams, GDW, Sorcerer, Stand Back, Grace, Rhiannon,
17, Need to Know
+ Jingle Ball
- Benefit for Becky's House, an organization countering domestic abuse
Masonic Auditorium - San Francisco, CA
Enchanted, Dreams, GDW, Every Day, Sorcerer, Rhiannon, Stand Back, Texas, Grace,
17, Need to Know, HAEWAFY
KFOG Concert for Kids
- Benefit for Toys for Tots & The Make a Wish
for scrapbook of photos
2-26-2002 Great Western Forum - Inglewood, CA
GDW, Dreams, Fall From Grace*, Rhiannon, SDMHA**, L&L***, Stand Back, Need
to Know**
* w/ Sheryl Crow - ** w/ Tom Petty - ***
w/ Don Henley
Benefit for Artist Rights
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The Stevie Diaries are created
& compiled by Kitten.
This list was begun as labor of love for live music
~ Please don't publish it in other places.
Corrections and Additions are welcome!